3812-Hyper Beast
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Artistic representation of SCP-3812 consuming prey based on description

Item #: SCP-3812

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3812 is to be contained in a large cubic steel mesh cage, approximately 1 x 1 x 0.5 kilometres, at Site █████. The cage is to contain a rainforest environment to simulate the natural habitat of SCP-3812, which is at █████████████, Australia.

Six agents, namely Sieger Hall, Ratner Aersens, Hagen Close, Saral Hendry, Elanor Read and Leo Abel are permitted to enter the cage at a random time twice daily, the first in between 6:00 AM and 11:59 AM and the second in between 1:00 PM and 6:00 PM. It is essential that only these agents are to enter as they are trained in evasion tactics and weapons use, and carry enough trust on their positions to have firearms. Agents are to enter the cage in military grade ghillie suits, in possession of two adult cows, one cornet, painted in Scorpion W2 camo, and one M4A1 assault rifle each, which are to be painted in Scorpion W2 camo. They are to enter the cage through one of five entry points, which will be picked randomly. Entry points one, two, three and four are located on the North, East, South and West sides of the cage respectively, and entry point five is a small hatch hidden inside the enclosure which is connected to a tunnel leading outside the enclosure.

Once inside the enclosure, all six agents are to lie down in their ghillie suits. Agent Leo Abel is to then blow the cornet and release the cows, and all six agents are to remain still and silent laying on the ground until SCP-3812 consumes or removes the cows from sight, SCP-3812 moves out of sight, and Agent Sieger Hall gives the all clear. Agents are then to move out of the enclosure through the point which they entered. If at any time conflict occurs between SCP-3812 and agents within the enclosure, agents are permitted to fire at SCP-3812 using provided M4A1 assualt rifles.

Description: SCP-3812 is a reptilian creature approximately ten metres long. It is very similar to dragons depicted in Chinese mythology, and possesses the ability to fly despite having no wings or other flying mechanisms. Its head is remarkably similar to that of Tyrannosaurus, but with two eyes on each side of the head, none of which contain eyeballs, but rather an orange dot which glows in the centre of each eye socket. It has four limbs, each with 5 taloned claws and a scaly body, consistent with dragons of Chinese mythology. Radiometric dating of SCP-3812's scales indicate prehistoric heritage. It is currently believed that SCP-3812 had previous residence in China and was the basis of dragon mythology, and that it may have even been worshipped as a symbol of power and good luck. Current testing is underway to determine the swimming ability of SCP-3812.

SCP-3812 has an incredibly long tongue, measuring two metres long. It has a single row of fourty pointed fangs, all coloured blue, two of which on the top measure at thirty centimetres long, with all the rest measuring at ten cm. SCP-3812 has been observed to fly from 20 km/h to ███ km/h at a maximum height of ██ km, and scales of SCP-3812 have been found in neighbouring countries to Australia, such as China, India, Russia and even a few in Madagascar. It is unknown whether there are more instances of SCP-3812 in the wild, if SCP-3812 is capable of intercontinental travel, or both. The scales of SCP-3812 are made of an unknown material which is currently being investigated. These scales are heavily resistant to bullets, acid, fire, pressure, explosives, electric shocks and several other forms of attack, although SCP-3812 still seems to feel pain from the impact of bullets and explosives despite the protection of the scales.

SCP-3812 has been observed to change colour based on its environment- when flying it has changed colour to blue and white to match the sky around it, and in its current enclosure mainly remains a dark shade of green which is consistent with its rainforest environment. SCP-3812 is predatory and exclusively carnivorous, but will always go for larger prey. It is extremely intelligent, hence the random entry time and point which was implemented after Incident 3812-1. It has unique attack methods- it will eat its prey from the inside out, attacking the stomach, then going inside its prey and working its way up to the head by eating all vital organs from the inside. It will then emerge from the head and exit the now deceased corpse of its victim, leaving the empty carcass behind.
