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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: Instances of SCP-XXXX must be stored in Foundation approved envelopes and placed in a containment locker in Site-██. SCP-XXXX is never to be accessed without oversight from the current head researcher. In the occurrence of an instance of SCP-XXXX becoming active in mail distribution, agents are advised to search for any employment or logistical discrepancies among several international, national, and local businesses. Once an instance of SCP-XXXX is located, agents are required to terminate or contain the current holder of SCP-XXXX and correct any institutional damage caused by the object. Agents are also advised to utilize bureaucratic plants, in order to intercept any communication from companies of interest.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a term designated for a standard 203.2mm X 266.77mm letter with the words "Baas" typed on the top left corner in Size 10, Times New Roman font. — As of 5/4/████ Analysis has shown that there are no unusual characteristics found in the pulp, which consists of standard tree mesh.— SCP-XXXX's anomalous effects start to manifest when a low level employee of any organization, institution, or company, hereby referred to as SCP-XXXX-A, receives and physically views SCP-XXXX. Instances of SCP-XXXX have been inserted into mail distribution with no observable pattern and have been found across all continents with the exception of Antarctica. It is currently unknown how SCP-XXXX selects it's aforementioned targets. Efforts to trace the source of SCP-XXXX using postal logistics have produced minimal results, and have only proven effective in containment.

When SCP-XXXX-A reads SCP-XXXX, it perceives SCP-XXXX to be its own letter of resignation and will immediately attempt to mail or physically give the letter to its supervisor, preferably to a work address. After SCP-XXXX is given, SCP-XXXX-A will refuse to return to its primary occupation, opting to list itself as unemployed and will seek to find other occupational opportunities. If SCP-XXXX-A is unable to send SCP-XXXX through conventional forms of mail, it will [DATA EXPUNGED]. SCP-XXXX-A will consistently refer to itself as the author of SCP-XXXX despite acknowledging memory loss when asked about the supposed time period SCP-XXXX was written. It is also noted that the effect of SCP-XXXX is long term as affected subjects express an aversion to their old occupation and will prefer not to work in that particular field again.

SCP-XXXX-B refers to subjects who receive SCP-XXXX from SCP-XXXX-A. Instances of SCP-XXXX-B, after viewing SCP-XXXX, will enter a semi-conscious state, a pseudo-suggestive trance most analogous to ingesting the depressant scopolamine, for a period of ███ hours. During this time, SCP-XXXX-B will attempt to surreptitiously remove SCP-XXXX-A from employment records. SCP-XXXX-B will only attempt to remove occupational records, not records pertaining to individual identity. Studies have shown record removal to be successful around ██% of the time. Regardless of the result from SCP-XXXX-B actions, after the period of semi-consciousness expires, SCP-XXXX-B will exhibit characteristics similar to SCP-XXXX-A, attempting to mail SCP-XXXX to its respective supervisor. If SCP-XXXX-B is its own primary occupational supervisor, it will [DATA EXPUNGED].

SCP-XXXX was discovered when ██████ Incorporated, a company with ties to the Foundation, experienced the resignation of its entire R&D department. ██████ Incorporated was developing a containment system for SCP-███ at the time. Analysis of corporate trends over the last 30 years has shown a sharp increase of instances of SCP-XXXX, primarily in the fields of scientific development and research. As of █ /██ /████ the Foundation has collected ██████ instances of SCP-XXXX.

Addendum XXXX-1: With the advancement of material assessment technologies over the last ██ years, a periodical assessment of physical makeup of SCP-XXXX has found that the tree pulp used in the production of SCP-XXXX can be traced to a set of forests in the Netherlands. Foundation agents are currently investigating.

Test Log █01 - ██████

Note: The Foundation has used its limitless assets to produce several basic companies with basic and disposable bureaucratic functions in order to closely study the effects of SCP-XXXX. All employees are considered test subjects and must be monitored at all times regardless of exposure. All data is collected periodically every 6 weeks. - Dr.Lefer

Subject #318: James T████, CEO of Company #██

Procedure: Subject was exposed to SCP-XXXX by ████ ████,an instance of SCP-XXXX-B, with the HR department of Company ██ sealed off and secured by military contractors.

Results: Subject became an instance of SCP-XXXX-B and attempted to erase employment records as per standard protocol. When stopped by guards, however, the Subject became frustrated and apparently gave up. Initial Analysis due to precedent testing had indicated this to be the end of the test, and disposal crews were awaiting for [DATA EXPUNGED] for the conclusion of experiment. However, the Subject returned to Company #██ at around ██42 hours and proceeded to [DATA EXPUNGED] with a ██████ ████, leaving ██ fatalities. This is the first instance of SCP-XXXX causing a violent outcome. Further testing is necessary to assess the true capabilities of SCP-XXXX.