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Item #: SCP-XXX

SCP-XXX at the location of it's discovery.

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXX is to be kept within a 5x5x5 meter containment area at Site-██. The containment area must be guarded by at least three [3] guards of Level 2 or lower security clearance armed with tranquilizer syringes, and emergency transmitters. At least one [1] Class D personnel is to be placed within SCP-XXX’s containment chamber per month. In the event of an SCP-XXX-3 event, all guards are to tranquilize any nearby foundation personnel, activate their emergency transmitters, then tranquilize themselves. Within fifteen [15] minutes of the emergency transmitters being activated, a single Class D personnel must be placed within SCP-XXX’s chamber. The Class D must not come into physical contact with his/her guards under any circumstances. Should the Class D resist, all non lethal forces are authorized, so long as they do not cause unconsciousness.

DESCRIPTION: SCP-XXX was recovered in the home of Mr. and Mrs. ██████ in ████ California in 20██. At first glance SCP-XXX appears to be a ██████ brand flexible necked shower head. The anomalous properties of SCP-XXX become apparent when a single human stands underneath it, without any other humans or animals in the same enclosed area as him/her. After the subject is standing underneath it, SCP-XXX enters an active state and begins spraying hot water of approximately forty two [42] degrees celsius, depending on the subjects preference. Once underneath the water of SCP-XXX, the subject will refuse leaving the vicinity of the shower head, no matter what threats are issued.

After about fifteen [15] minutes of the subject being under SCP-XXX, SCP-XXX-1 begins to manifest. SCP-XXX-1 is an unusually thick form of the fog that regularly forms when taking a shower in an enclosed room. It has the anomalous property of completely filling any enclosed area of less than one thousand [1000] cubic meters. At this point, the subject becomes less relaxed, and when asked about how they feel, they describe it as “nice” but often accompany it by asking if they sent somebody else in to watch them without notifying them.

Within three [3] minutes of SCP-XXX-1 manifesting, SCP-XXX-2 will appear to walk out of the steam. The subject then loses any feelings of safety or comfort acquired from SCP-XXX’s memetic effect, and generally begin screaming. SCP-XXX-2 is approximately 1.75 meters tall, with three [3] extremely long clawed fingers of about .5 meters each, it has arms that are approximately 1 meter long each, and it seems to have little to no muscle mass. In every case, it attempts to stay concealed. The subject is then grabbed by SCP-XXX-2 and [DATA EXPUNGED].

After being [DATA EXPUNGED] by SCP-XXX-2, SCP-XXX-1 clears, and no fluid is left behind except for a puddle of water where the subject previously was. Based upon numerous tests, it has been determined that this puddle is equivalent to the amount of water inside of the subject.
SCP-XXX-3 manifests when SCP-XXX is not “fed” for an extended period of time. What happens during an SCP-XXX-3 event is as follows: SCP-XXX enters an active state, then the closest conscious human to SCP-XXX’s containment chamber begins to feel what they describe as “sticky” or “grimy”. This human will hereafter be referred to as “the subject”. The subject will attempt to rub the “grime” off of themselves using their clothes, their hands, or their mouth. After this fails, they will demand to be let in to SCP-XXX’s chamber. If this is denied, they will attempt break in. At this point, they either manage to get into the chamber, already filled with SCP-XXX-1, and then spend about 1 minute in the chamber before they are [DATA EXPUNGED] by SCP-XXX-2, or they are successfully held off. If the latter happens, SCP-XXX-3 will continue to affect humans until one has successfully managed to enter the area affected by SCP-XXX-1, and then said human will be [DATA EXPUNGED] by SCP-XXX-2. During an SCP-XXX-3 event, SCP-XXX does not require the person consumed to be affected by SCP-XXX-3.

When escorting a Class D to SCP-XXX during an SCP-XXX-3 event, guards are to not have physical contact with the prisoner if s/he is affected by SCP-XXX-3. (see INCIDENT LOG XXX-B)