Adam Walker
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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX-A and SCP-XXXX-B are contained in the same chamber, a 5m x 5m x 3m underground containment cell made of reinforced steel and concrete in Research Sector 9 of Site-█▌. Containment is installed with 20 vents connected to approximately 200 canisters of Class A airborne sedatives, and equipped with audio and video surveillance for visual observation and recording of potential verbal conversation between SCP-XXXX-B and SCP-XXXX-B. Containment is sealed with two 0.5 m steel blast doors that are to be triple locked with Level 4 Clearance.

Testing or interviews with SCP-XXXX-A and SCP-XXXX-B must be given written authorization from the Site Director, at which time, SCP-XXXX-A and SCP-XXXX-B are to be sedated before being escorted to the adjacent chamber by at least four Foundation security personnel. During testing protocols, no more than two personnel are allowed in the testing chamber. Should either SCP-XXXX-A or SCP-XXXX-B begin to exhibit signs of agitation or attempt to harm personnel during testing, the chamber is to be evacuated immediately. The use of Class A airborne sedatives has been approved for use by the Site Director.

Description: SCP-XXXX-A is a humanoid creature resembling a human female, roughly 28 years of age, standing at 1.9 meters tall, and clothed in a long black dress. Anomalous properties become evident when subjects enter a 3 meter radius of SCP-XXXX-A. This area of effect is described as a “perception filter” by multiple personnel, and is a form of camouflage generated by SCP-XXXX-A through unknown means. When subjects enter within 3 meters of SCP-XXXX-A, they describe it to have several differences than the aforementioned human appearance. All descriptions match the same criteria, as the mouth being replaced by a beak resembling that of a common raven, the eyes having black sclera and white irises, and the dress being fully formed with black feathers. The camouflage of SCP-XXXX-A deactivates when it takes flight or displays its protective nature over SCP-XXXX-B. Observations via video surveillance report that its dress unfolds into avian-like wings with a span of 11 meters and its entire body beneath the "dress" is coated in black feathers. SCP-XXXX-A can only take flight if it has height clearance of 3.5 meters or higher. SCP-XXXX-A is carnivorous and will attempt to consume living creatures when hunting.

SCP-XXXX-B resembles a small human male child, roughly five years of age, standing at 1.07 meters tall, and wearing a child-sized black suit with a white collared shirt, a black tie, and black shoes. Like SCP-XXXX-A, it generates a camouflage to hide its true appearance, though its range of effect is significantly larger than that of SCP-XXXX-A. Examinations of SCP-XXXX-B's appearance when observed within a 6 meter radius of it describe it as its suit being fully formed out of black feathers, white feathers occupying the collarbones, the shoes being replaced by avian feet, and wearing a white mask with only two orifices to serve as the eye holes, although a third orifice will appear for the mouth when it must feed. The mask itself is formed entirely out of an organic compound resembling bone and appears to be fused to SCP-XXXX-B's face. The purpose of SCP-XXXX-B's mask has yet to be discovered. While SCP-XXXX-B physically appears to have little muscle-mass, its level of strength has shown that it is able to lift approximately ███ lbs with little to no effort.

SCP-XXXX-A and SCP-XXXX-B behavior patterns seem to shift at random intervals between that observed in most species of birds, both domestic and predatory, and a short range of human behavior. Examples of human behavior exhibited include common social interactions and gestures of affection for the other. Examples of bird-like behaviors exhibited include cleaning via the beak (either on their own or SCP-XXXX-A to SCP-XXXX-B), SCP-XXXX-A mouth-feeding SCP-XXXX-B, SCP-XXXX-A building a nest out of its shed feathers, SCP-XXXX-A covering SCP-XXXX-B with one wing when SCP-XXXX-B enters a dormant state, and SCP-XXXX-B attempting to take flight. SCP-XXXX behavior also includes observing humans and attempting to mimic other human behavioral patterns. Both instances of SCP-XXXX have proven fully capable of speech and are quite conversational when not in a hunting or feeding state.

SCP-XXXX were discovered in █████, Japan on ██/██/2014 after several reports of large numbers of small animal corpses along with an abundance of black feathers being found scattered across the streets. Due to limited information obtained by locally embedded agents, retrieval was to be carried out by MTF Kepler-86 (Nevermore). Retrieval proved successful after careful analysis of street view camera footage revealed SCP-XXXX-A and SCP-XXXX-B. SCP-XXXX were tracked to █████████████ and were recovered 63 hours after initial sighting. All observers of SCP-XXXX were administered Class B amnestics and all reports, records, and photographs of sightings were confiscated.