Agent Walton, SCP-XXXX
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Photograph captured of SCP-XXXX by Foundation Task Force Dagger during recovery on █/██/1997.


Object Class:Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be contained located at █████ █ ████ ██ at Site ██ within 90x90 meter cell 16 meters in height, with exterior outer walls encased in 25cm walls of reinforced polymer with an inline of 38cm of Polycarbonate. The interior of SCP-XXXX's containment cell is to replicate the forest biome found in Eastern Kentucky. SCP-XXXX's cell is to be secured at all times by an on-site security team of no less than one 6-man squad, set on a routine patrol around the exterior of SCP-XXXX's containment cell on a 24-hour basis, rotating on a daily schedule. In addition, SCP-XXXX's cell will be installed with visual and audio monitoring devices that will be manned and overseen by no less than four class-B personnel on a 24 hour basis. Given SCP-XXXX's ability to traverse through sedimentary matter, the interior edge of SCP-XXXX's cell will be composed by a row of 0.5 square meter HDPE high density plastic blocks. Bi-weekly, a population of no more than five Odocoileus virginianus White-tailed Deer are to enter the premises of SCP-XXXX's containment cell for feeding and hunting purposes.

Entry into SCP-XXXX's cell will only be permissible to personnel with a A-Class designation or higher via a 4x5.5 meter reinforced bulkhead composed of 45 cm of reinforced polymer with an interior layered-inline of 33cm thick Polycarbonate. Personnel entering SCP-XXXX's cell are to be accompanied by no less than four Security personnel. D-class personnel may be permitted for testing with SCP-XXXX, but only with Level 3 clearance or higher.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a skull of an unknown carnivorous species, however astute visual observation alludes to it being primate in origin, with a heavy resemblance to the Hominidae family. SCP-XXXX's most distinguishable features are the two large protruding tusks substituting where the canines, molars, and premolars would normally be located in most primate species, one currently intact with the other sustaining heavy damage.

The skull excretes a blackish-red substance from both a large fracture located on the frontal bone and any openings of the skull. Designated as SCP-XXXX-A, the substance's consistency is comparable to liquid comparable to human blood, but with a density comparable to refined soil or sand. via unknown means, SCP-XXXX is capable of manipulating SCP-XXXX-A in mass quantities to form a full bodily structure.1.

SCP-XXXX's body structure is quadrupedal, standing on average at around 1.7 meters tall, and slightly resembles a combination of Ursine and Primate elements. Each leg ends in a large cloven appendage.2 Through this method of substance manipulation, SCP-XXXX is capable of animating itself and producing deep vocalization, despite the lack of the necessary bones and organs to so. SCP-XXXX can perform a vast array of locomotive and vocal actions ranging from running speeds up to 38 km/h to emitting a roar exceeding 115 decibels.X-ray and CT scans reveal that SCP-XXXX lacks any organs or common bodily systems, with the exception of two ocular muscles, both located with the confines of the skull's orbits. Both are a distinct oval-shape, lidless and lack both pupils and irises.

Despite the lack of a digestive system, SCP-XXXX appears to require some sustenance needs, though not in the traditional fashion. Shortly after SCP-XXXX has either incapacitated or killed its prey, it will begin a violent process of mutilating the victim if it has not done so already. Using either its formed appendages or the tusks of its skull, it will begin to tear its prey apart, severing and scattering the various limbs, tissues, and organs across any given radius. Once satisfied, SCP-XXXX will begin to consume any biological tissue matter by breaking down its bodily form of SCP-XXXX-A and melding it over any surface area where the remains of its prey has been scattered, effectively forming a puddle. Remains covered by SCP-XXXX-A will begin to drastically break down by unknown means.3 This process can last from anywhere between 5-20 minutes. Upon completion, SCP-XXXX will reform itself back to its initial form, increasing in both size and body mass by 1/2 of what its previous body mass had been.4

Should SCP-XXXX go a total of ten days without food, its capabilities become reduced as its own body mass begins to recede on itself. Should SCP-XXXX go a total of twenty days without food, SCP-XXXX will [DATA EXPUNGED]. Because of these inconsistencies, it is unclear whether or not SCP-XXXX can be classified as a living organism.

As a result of its malleable nature, SCP-XXXX possesses the ability to traverse through any solid object of a sedimentary nature, but is impeded by most synthetic materials. SCP-XXXX performs this by reforming its body mass into a large sphere, enveloping its skull within. SCP-XXXX will then proceed to traverse any sedimentary surface or barrier with ease, regardless of purity level, as SCP-XXXX has been seen traversing through both steel and titanium. Researchers speculate that the skull is spared the difficulty of the traversing process via [DATA EXPUNGED].


Cave paintings depicting SCP-XXXX located in cave systems ██ km west ██████, Poland. Carbon dating estimates they date back to at least 6000 BCE.

This Image is Borrowed From: Wikimedia Commons

Original Source:
Author: Klearchos Kapoutsis


SCP-XXXX is speculated to be somewhere around 6,000 to 20,000 years old. Traces of its existence, while few in number, have been found across the northern hemisphere, ranging from the Appalachian Mountain Range in North America to the Northern Siberian Wilderness. Foundation research theorizes that SCP-XXXX may date as far back as the Mesolithic era, migrating with mankind over the ice sheets that once connected the Alaskan Peninsula with Eastern Russia. Contact with SCP-XXXX by early nomadic human beings seems to have occurred as late as 8000 BCE, as several ancient cave paintings discovered in ██████, Poland, ████████████, Belarus, and ████████, Russia depict crude visual representations of SCP-XXXX hunting various local prey from the time period.

SCP-XXXX first came to the Foundation's attention on 1/██/1887, following the disappearance of the isolated community of ███, Alaska by local authorities. Agents ██████████ and █████ were sent to investigate the area for possible SCP activity, yet turned were unable to uncover any substantial results. Agent █████ noted seeing a strange tusked animal by nearby the shorelines, yet deduced it to be no more than a common Pacific Walrus, given the village's proximity to the ocean.

From 6/██/1919-8/█/1921, Foundation investigators were tasked with uncovering further traces of SCP-XXXX's existence having produced few results. Lead by Researcher Emily Watts, races seem to end within the siberian

Addendum-XXXX-A: Following the events of Incident-XXXX-A, SCP-XXXX's animalistic behavior has speculated to have been a ruse explicitly deployed by SCP-XXXX in an attempt to hide its true sapient nature. SCP-XXXX's ability to summon, command, and communicate with multiple instances of itself has lead to the theory that SCP-XXXX possesses an intelligent caste-based hive-like mentality, with the potential to create countless instances SCP-XXXX. The exact means to carry out this task seems to correlate with the amount of biological mass it has accumulated.


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