
Out-of-universe title: A multidisciplinary proof
SCP#: SCP-xxxx
Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: A copy of SCP-xxxx (designated SCP-xxxx-1) is kept at an auxiliary sector of Site-01 (designated AUX-xxxx) located outside the main compound. A clear means of passage between AUX-xxxx and the main compound is to be maintained at all times, allowing for a maximum 5 minutes transit time. The exact nature of this means of passage is up to the discretion of the current SCP-xxxx research director.

SCP-xxxx-1 is to be kept in a secure lock box (designated BOX-xxxx) hardy enough to withstand any professional or military grade attempts at forced entry, and small and lightweight enough to be transported by a single person. BOX-xxxx must be fitted with 13 separately keyed 4-digit code locks, and be configured to open if any 5 of those locks are individually unlocked. Once every three months an appropriately skilled person from MTF Iota-10 ("Damn Feds") is to attempt to force entry to a identical copy of the lock box using the latest publicly available techniques and tools. If the attempt to gain entry is successful, the SCP-xxxx research director is to form a task force to design a new lock box which meets the necessary containment criteria. Once a new lock box is ready and available, representatives of the O5 council will present themselves at AUX-xxxx to transfer the contents of BOX-xxxx to the new container. The transfer of the contents must occur inside SCP-xxxxs containment chamber. This transfer process is the only time at which new codes may be applied to the locks. Exact specifications of the current iteration of BOX-xxxx are to kept in a separate document.

BOX-xxxx is to be contained in SCP-xxxxs containment chamber. The chamber is, at a minimum, an unlit, triple air-locked, soundproofed, electromagnetically protected, actively monitored system fitted with whatever additional security systems the SCP-xxxx research director feels fit at the time, with independent reviews and penetration tests of the system to be performed by MTF Iota-10 every 3 months. Any successfully penetrations accomplished by MTF Iota-10 will result in a report provided to the SCP-xxxx research director and O5 council for review and actioning. Exact specifications of the current iteration of the containment chamber are to be kept in a separate document.

All worldwide media, in particular scientific journals, are to be monitored for the presence of SCP-xxxx, subsets thereof, or theories possibly leading to, by the SCP-xxxx research team, who are permanently housed at AUX-xxxx. No direct research or further contribution is to be performed on or to SCP-xxxx. No personnel outside the O5 council or their direct chosen representatives are to have access to SCP-xxxx. Any attempt at containment breach by external forces is to be met with lethal force, and the destruction of SCP-xxxx-1 is authorized if the breach cannot be contained.

For their own safety and for improved containment procedures, the names of all staff involved in the creation or containment of SCP-xxxx will not be recorded, except where those names are present on the object itself.

Current containment procedures must focus on both containing SCP-xxxx-1, and ensuring that new instances of SCP-xxxx do not occur during the natural course of human civilizations scientific development.

Description: SCP-xxxx is a multidisciplinary report (claiming to prove)/(proving) the existence of an entity which would be commonly referred to as a "supreme being". The copy currently in containment consists of a ███ page report printed on standard A4 paper (laminated, with cover page containing authorship information), containing approximately 100,000 words of text with accompanying diagrams and images, and a corresponding ████ format file of identical content contained on a commercially standard USB drive. These items are to be contained in BOX-xxxx. Any further specifics of the documents content are not to be recorded or transcribed by any means.

SCP-xxxx was created over a period of time which began at an indeterminable point in early 1995, when a number of Foundation researchers began collaborating with civilian individuals and organisations on the investigation of various natural phenomena which were not deemed worth SCP classification. This collaboration occurred without explicit authorization by the Foundation, and was not considered an unusual circumstance considering the topics being researched. The collaboration is considered to have been "finalized" 2015/2/2, and presented to a site director for SCP classification by one of its Foundation authors on 2015/2/4.

During initial investigation, several relevant points became apparent:

  • Information in the areas of ███████, █████████, ████ ████████ and ███████, █████-███████████ █████████, and ████████ which surpassed general civilian levels was present in the document, although no references to specific SCP items was present. On questioning, Foundation staff involved in the documents creation confirmed that they had presented or manufactured verifiable evidence to their civilian colleagues regarding these points in order to progress the state of the document.
  • The document contained descriptions of other scientifically verifiable phenomenon not known to the Foundation, authored by civilian contributors.
  • No known GoI had contributed to the document
  • The document had been distributed among no fewer than ██ Foundation staff members and ██ civilian contributors, all with sufficient levels of knowledge to comprehend the contents.
  • Neither the document nor any of its content presented a memetic hazard.

In response to the general containment breach represented by the leak of advanced Foundation scientific knowledge, on 2015/2/5 MTF Alpha-1 ("Red Right Hand") was mobilized and apprehended all known civilian and Foundation contributors to SCP-xxxx. All known copies of SCP-xxxx, besides the original submitted for classification, were destroyed by 2015/2/8.

Following more detailed investigation of the document and its contents, on 2015/3/7, all apprehended persons were given permanent E-class status, assigned to the SCP-xxxx research team, tasked with monitoring worldwide media for any future evidence of SCP-xxxx, and current containment procedures were enacted.

In the course of containing and researching SCP-xxxx, || additional Foundation staff (including ██ researchers and ██ MTF members) were exposed to sufficient information regarding SCP-xxxx to pose a risk of future containment breach. Amnestics were issued to all but 1 staff member without incident, with the remaining individual voluntarily taking on the role of SCP-xxxx research director.