A Blue Highlighter
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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Safe Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be contained in a high-security storage locker when not in use. Use of the object must only be done while under the direct supervision of at least one personnel with level 3 security clearance or higher, who themselves are forbidden to use the object under any circumstances. Failure to follow these guidelines is considered a security breach regardless of the information obtained through the object's anomalous effects, and infractions will be dealt with accordingly.

Except when testing, SCP-XXXX is not to leave its storage locker. Per Addendum XXXX-B and XXXX-C, SCP-XXXX is to be removed from the locker once per week day and used by an on-site researcher a D-class personnel. If information gained from SCP-XXXX's use presents a security issue, amnesiacs may be administered the subject may be kept in solitary confinement to prevent a security breach. (See Addendum XXXX-D regarding additional edits to containment procedures.)

Description: SCP-XXXX is a blue highlighter pen with no label or marking. Its proportions are identical to highlighters of the Wexford brand. Under normal circumstances, it functions as an average highlighter. It does not appear to be running out of ink despite its excessive use.

The object's anomalous properties occur when it is used to highlight text on a document in which either the author or any person making modifications has intentionally left out some piece of information. When such a section of the text is highlighted, the missing information will appear. In the case of a redaction, SCP-XXXX will appear to remove the redaction to make the text beneath it visible; this does not appear to be a simple removal of ink, as it applies even in a copy or reprint of a redacted document that never actually contained the redacted text. In the case of information being entirely left out, the text will appear wherever it is able to upon the page, usually near the point where it was to be inserted. If the information is very long, it will appear however it can, utilizing the page's margins or appearing in extremely small writing in order to be fit into the document.

SCP-XXXX was originally discovered on 02/10/2006 upon the desk of researcher Brett Edwards, who noticed its anomalous properties while highlighting lines of text on a document about SCP-038. The object was brought to Dr. Starr's attention, and its properties were confirmed by on-site research teams.

Addendum XXXX-A: On 04/21/2006, Dr. Starr was discovered using SCP-XXXX to try and gain classified information about SCP-148. The classified information obtained through SCP-XXXX's use was not deemed to be of a sensitive nature, but Dr. Starr was demoted and reprimanded per protocol and is no longer permitted to use or work with SCP-XXXX for any reason.

Addendum XXXX-B: On 11/08/2007, SCP-XXXX was found in a pencil holder on the desk of researcher Mark Scott, who quickly confirmed that the object had indeed disappeared from its storage locker. In the following weeks, it disappeared from storage a total of 4 more times, always found again somewhere on-site. It was determined that triggering the object's anomalous effects seemed to prevent its relocation. This must be done at least once a week, and can easily performed by on-site personnel using documents fabricated specifically for this purpose.

Addendum XXXX-C: On 03/07/2008, despite SCP-XXXX having been used only three days prior, the object relocated into the pocket of a D-class personnel arriving at the site, and was found by security personnel. Additional testing over the following weeks determined that SCP-XXXX will continue to relocate unless the information it reveals from a document is both of a sensitive nature and not previously known by the subject using it. Exactly what the object determines is "sensitive" in this case is not clear, but information of at least one level of clearance higher than the subject appears to be sufficient. Containment procedures were updated to restrict this required weekly use to D-class personnel to keep sensitivity level as low as possible; amnesiacs may also be administered when necessary. Object was reclassified as Euclid.

NOTE: It's almost as if it has gotten bored with revealing mundane things from the simple, fabricated documents we were previously using. It's time to consider that SCP-XXXX may possess some sentience. — Researcher Mark Scott

Addendum XXXX-D: As of 05/30/2012, SCP-XXXX has relocated 11 more times despite the use of existing containment procedures, with or without minor alterations. In addition, the radius from its storage locker that it relocates seems to be gradually getting wider (0.88 kilometers at its furthest recovery point), making it increasingly difficult to find and re-contain. After testing, containment procedures have been updated to schedule its use by D-class personnel daily instead of weekly. Amnesiacs must also no longer be administered, as this seems to increase the likelihood that the object will relocate. With the new containment procedures in place, no further relocations have occurred in over 50 days.

Addendum XXXX-E: On 10/11/2015, it was noticed that some electronic documents at the same site as SCP-XXXX (particularly those involving the object itself) appear to be similarly affected, with redacted sections becoming visible to people who view them. This effect is rarely observed, but will be monitored in case it becomes more common. If the effect is found to be spreading at all beyond its containment site, new containment procedures will be assessed.