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^^ SCP-XXXX as viewed by the naked eye ^^

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be stored at underwater Research Facility R16-A and kept in a 1ft x 1ft x 1ft Lead lined box, consisting of 3, machine operated and exchangeable, titanium walls. The first wall is to be exchanged every 18 hours, with the second wall, once every 3 weeks, and the third, once every 346 days. The box is to be completely airtight, with a single, double airlock "door". No personnel are to access SCP-XXXX under any circumstances. All testing and/or communication is to carried out remotely via external viewing or Hard-Shield X57-b Drones. Any item to come into contact with SCP-XXXX is to be incinerated immediately, with the surrounding area evacuated and submerged with H2So4 as to prevent any damage to infrastructure, staff or other SCP's. No flames are to be brought on site as SCP-XXXX is highly flammable/explosive (see incident report SCP-XXXX-05A). Any Personnel refusing to comply will be forcibly removed or terminated immediately. In the event of a fire, D-class personnel are to make every attempt to control and stop the spread of the fire, while all other personnel are to evacuate using the provided GTS L-19 Mini-Submarines

Description: SCP-XXXX is an odorless, colorless gas with a density slightly above Co2. SCP-XXXX is highly corrosive and will passively corrode any and all substances, including liquids. However, SCP-XXXX does not react with H2O or H2So4. Reasons for this are as yet unknown. SCP-XXXX also leaves a residual "film" on affected surfaces, which can be just as damaging as direct exposure. SCP-XXXX was discovered in an underground, post-WWII Nazi bunker. SCP-XXXX had previously been contained in a depleted uranium cylinder, before escaping and killing all of the bunkers inhabitants. SCP-XXXX was then transferred to site [REDACTED] through a series of tubes and pumps. Upon arrival on-site, SCP-XXXX became uncharacteristically dormant, leading to the first theories of SCP-XXXX’s sentience. SCP-XXXX shows signs of being able to control the corrosion rate, to a degree, demonstrated by a reluctance to harm humans and subsequently a deceased corrosion rate of surrounding materiel. However, when ██████ is allowed to come into contact with SCP-XXXX, substance corrosion rate increases aprox. 225%. SCP-XXXX has demonstrated willingness to communicate ever since the installation of a security camera. SCP-XXXX communicates by "burning" words into the walls. It is believed to only understand english, as any other language is ignored by it. Also, it is only capable of broken English, and only on rare occasions has it communicated full sentences. Whether this is due to lack of space or inability, is still unknown. SCP-XXXX is only visible through thermal imaging. When viewed with the naked eye, SCP-XXXX appears to create a slight distortion effect. When viewed with thermal imaging however, XXXX creates a “footprint” up to 5 times it’s actual temperature.


Interviewed: SCP-XXXX

Interviewer: ██.████████

Foreword: SCP-XXXX will be assessed of current level of sentience as well as memory capacity

<Begin Log, ██-██-██>

██.████████: Hello there. Do you know who I am?

SCP-XXXX: [[7min 48sec] A small engraving begins
appearing in the wall.] You_have_me

██.████████: My name is ██.████████, do you know where you are?

SCP-XXXX: [4min 12sec] You_Saved_ ME

██.████████: That…. was not the answer I expected. Please, answer the question.

SCP-XXXX: [4min 59sec] [The wall is replaced] I

██.████████: Is there a reason why you feel regret?


██.████████: What was your first memory? What is the first thing you remember?

SCP-XXXX: [The walls begin to liquify]

██.████████: Quickly, rotate the walls!

<End Log>

Closing Statement: [SCP-XXXX Displays rudimentary intelligence as well as reluctance to discuss its past]