SCP: The Artist


Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be contained within an approximately 3x3x3 meter containment chamber kept locked at all times. Under no circumstances should SCP-XXXX be given access to solid surfaces. The interior of the walls, floor, and ceiling are to be constructed out of stone and concrete. SCP-XXXX must be chained to a steel bench placed in the the center of the room bolted to the floor and monitored twenty-four (24) hours a day. In the unlikely event that SCP-XXXX breaches containment, all staff monitoring/assigned to SCP-XXXX must immediately vacate all personnel from Floor X of Site-X and, once all personnel are in a secured location, launch a protocol to administer Class-X sedatives through the ventilation systems. This will incapacitate SCP-XXXX within 20-30 seconds and allow security to escort it back to its chamber.

Description: SCP-XXXX is an entity resembling a humanoid figure approximately 2.5 meters in height. It has no facial features save for an elongated mouth that is loosely connected to its jaw. SCP-XXXX's skin is covered in a viscous white substance that it constantly excrete from its pores. Analysis of SCP-XXXX's organ structure has revealed working but entirely alien organs not pertaining to any other known animal.

SCP-XXXX has, on several occasions, displayed abnormally great strength and coordination for an entity of its height and build. It has not been observed to subsist off of any sort of solid sustenance. SCP-XXXX possesses two (2) pairs of long arm-like appendages, the top pair ending in a single, sharp claw composed of a keratin-like material capable of cutting through the mammalian spine. The lower pair of limbs resemble human arms, with the exception of the fingers of each hand having the texture, appearance, and functionality of standard-issue paintbrushes.

When in the presence of one or more humans, SCP-XXXX will invariably violently attack the person closest in proximity to it. Its usual method of attack is by piercing its victim's spinal cord at the nape of the neck with one of its claws, killing them instantly. If any more humans are in SCP-XXXX's immediate vicinity, it will crush the legs and arms of the remaining subjects, presumably to prevent their escape.

After accomplishing this, SCP-XXXX will use its claw appendages to tear
open the abdomen of its dead victim and consume the [REDACTED]. After 2-5 minutes of apparent digestion, SCP-XXXX will abruptly regurgitate the contents of its body from its singular orifice and coat its hands with the half-digested, adhesive fluid. Using its fingers, SCP-XXXX will "paint" the nearest surface with both the fluid and the white substance it excretes. SCP-XXXX will most commonly produce crude,
graphic images pertaining to its often volatile mood.

After SCP-XXXX has ceased this behavior, it will turn towards the surviving humans and wait, occasionally emitting a low-pitched humming noise. At this time, a person currently in the presence of SCP-XXXX will be compelled to comment on its display. SCP-XXXX demonstrates a level of sapience in that is able to interpret what is said to it at this time. If the subject gave it a compliment, SCP-XXXX will make a high-pitched humming sound to indicate satisfaction and express its affection towards the subject before killing it and again consuming [REDACTED]. The next "painting" SCP-XXXX creates will depict itself with the now dead subject.

However, should the subject give a negative or neutral response, SCP-XXXX will make no sound and use its claws to slowly [REDACTED] the subject's skin before [REDACTED]. The following "painting" will graphically depict [REDACTED] taking place. As of █/██/████, no cases of surviving humans after contact with SCP-XXXX have been recorded.