
I have returned to the site with some more maturity, and have decided to trade my poor horror skills for some (attempted) joke SCPs. Looking back on my first account, my posts were horrible and I never want to even think that I took time out of my life to write them. Obviously, this page is where all of my drafts will go.

1. Tumblr/Tumblrinas Containment: SCP X (X, of course, is the SCP number) does not have a physical form and is unable to be contained in any way possible. Thankfully, cases of SCP X-J usually tend to contain themselves as long as they have access to the internet.
Description: SCP X is a social media site known as Tumblr. While SCP X itself is harmless, it is able to affect females within the age range of 10-17 years of age, thus converting them to SCP X-J. People who fit the description are converted once they have created an account on SCP X. Cases of SCP X-J possess no abilities different from a normal human being, but they tend to be annoying to most unaffected people. Cases almost always become obsessed with SCP X, lashing out at anyone who suggests that they should stop using it, or even simply take a short break. Once affected, the organism will typically become a member of one or more of the following fan groups, which they refer to as "fandoms": Gravity Falls, Steven Universe, Doctor Who, Supernatural, any japanese animation, and occasionally Creepypasta. Reports from D-class personnel subjected to interacting with specimens say that anyone with a different opinion is immediately yelled at, causing headaches and ear pain. Cases of SCP X-J usually will draw fan art of their "fandoms" as well. Other ways to tell if someone has been affected include: Pretending to have a mental illness (usually schizophrenia or depression), sexualizing mental illness, obsessing over what they claim to hate, and listening to Japanese music. Cases also tend to possess qualities of "Feminazis", feminists who believe that all men are evil while ignoring gender equality. The best way to deal with cases is to simply ignore them. Removed due to feedback and the fact that I dislike this idea.