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Item #: SCP-2149?

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2149 is to be kept in a storage unit in Site 19 in a standard size manila envelope and marked as SCP-2149 in ultraviolet ink. SCP-2149 is to then be placed in an unremarkable filing cabinet with other top secret and sensitive information about the Foundation. In order to further conceal the location of SCP-2149 as well as classified information, an undisclosed number of other filing cabinets are to be placed within the storage unit and can only be located with the use of ultraviolet light. Two guards are to be placed outside of the storage unit at all times and researchers are only allowed access to SCP-2149 if they are given Level 3 clearance or higher. When studied, SCP-2149 is not to be directly observed by research personel.

Description: SCP-2149 is a plain white sheet of what appears to be standard 8"x12" printing paper. The paper, when observed, produces two distinct eyes that appear to have been drawn in great detail. It has been observed that these eyes will have a different appearance to each person who looks at SCP-2149. When the paged is turned, even at 180 degrees, the eyes will maintain their position and remain right-side up. D-class personel are instructed to look directly into the eyes of the object and describe what they see.

Upon looking at SCP-2149's eyes, the subject will go into a trance-like state, in which they cannot move or look away from the object unless forcibly removed. In this state, subjects are still able to maintain communication with the researchers. Reactions to SCP-2149 appear to be random and varied, ranging from subjects feeling an overwhelming sense of euphoria to absolute dread and terror. Conclusions of observations, based on case studies, suggests that SCP-2149 shows the subject visions of an alternate reality or universe, though how this is done is unclear. These visions continue for an undetermined amount of time, sometimes lasting as long as 38 hours and as little as 10 minutes. When the vision is complete, subject is able to look away from the SCP.

If a subject is removed from SCP-2149 prematurely, the subject will go into a catatonic state and show no signs of brain activity. After approximately 90 minutes, the subject will return to normal. The subject will report ongoing migraines over the course of several days until the subject seizes up from an overload of brain activity and falls into a coma. No side affects are shown in subjects who view the object normally.

Recently discovered was if the subject was to flip SCP-2149 around and hold the object level to their eyes, they report seeing the thoughts and memories of people within their immediate vicinity. The effects of this last for an undetermined amount of time as subject will begin to experience hallucinations of what will be referred to as SCP-2149-1. SCP-2149-1 is reported to appear as a series of dopplegangers that are seen in the whereabouts of the subject until they close in on said subject. Upon being "caught" by SCP-2149-1 the subject will die of cardiac arrest.

Attempts to observe SCP-2149 safely are currently undergoing trial. SCP-2149 appears to only affect those with direct contact with it. Any indirect approach ends with negative results. Copiers and scanners only produce blank pages and the same is observed through photographs and video feed. Conclusively, no effects are shown through indirect contact.

Addendum: Due to SCP-2149's nature to potentially immobilize anyone for a period of time, it has been proposed to reclassify SCP-2149 to Thaumiel status for SCPs such as SCP-173 and SCP-689 once its hypnotic properties have been further understood. SCP-2149 has already been proven as an effective security measure. Since SCP-2149 is currently being kept with highly sensitive files, several personel without proper access have tried to attain said files, only to be stopped by the effects of SCP-2149 after mistaking it for classified information. This allowed them to be apprehended by Foundation security and terminated after questioning. Administration has approved the use of SCP-2149's properties to secure information in multiple sites once it can be replicated.