Know my name


Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be monitored via satellite and guarded by an security team armed with supersonic weapons and time pulse bombs. Mobile Task Force "Lambda-5" is to be on standby should SCP-XXXX breach containment. SCP-XXXX is to be contained in a 5x5 meter containment cell, consistently reinforced every week with the regenerative material (DATA EXPUNGED) as this material negates SCP-XXXX's effects, but degrades at an accelerated speed due to the effects SCP-XXXX.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a amorphous creature composed of an unknown black mass that has the ability to warp time and space through unknown means. SCP-XXXX also possesses the ability to put an unknown amount of land into a time loop and can control the time in the loop to its discretion.

SCP-XXXX-A has limits as it cannot leave the space it creates or reverse the effects it puts into affect. It is assumed through discovered documents that SCP-XXXX is from another dimension or plane of existence and is able to fuse realities together as well as space. This SCP has been contained for the time being, but may destroy its containment area if not under constant maintenance.

SCP-XXXX was discovered after a string of anomalous events began to take effect as a result of SCP-XXXX's existence such as, but not limited to (objects being fused together down to the molecular level, people in the area being reported missing at an accelerated rate, and portals labeled with the foundations logo being discovered.) Every portal discovered will be known in any other document as SCP-XXXX-A.

The following are previous tests
-First encounter-
-Second encounter-
-Third encounter-