SCP-XXXX-The House obsessed with making families
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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX must be enclosed within a 10 Km2 outer perimeter, posing as a military test site, and an inner 2 Km2 area delimited by a reinforced steel, electrified fence with a voltage of no less than 10,000 volts and a security station manned by Security Team XXXX-Alpha "Housekeeping". SCP-XXXX must always be watched by at least five pole-mounted cameras with infrared and night vision capability, with at least one team member stationed around the perimeter monitoring them at all times. In the event of the appearance of SCP-XXXX-1 from SCP-XXXX’s interior, site director █████ should be immediately notified, and a drone-mounted camera should be dispatched to maintain aerial tracking of SCP-XXXX-1’s movements, should SCP-XXXX-1 come within 10 meters of the perimeter fence, the use of assault weapons and incineration units is authorized until SCP-XXXX-1 is either terminated, or retreats back to SCP-XXXX. Due to SCP-XXXX-1's regenerative properties, its retreat is sufficient and deemed most resource-efficient for effective containment. Aerial drone surveillance must be maintained for at least 1 hour after event.

Camera replacement should be effected by site technicians only with the authorization of site Director ████████ and should be escorted by at least three armed security team members via site Humvee. Under no circumstances should any non D-class personnel enter SCP-XXXX. For purposes of testing, the use of D-Class personnel nearing termination date for testing within SCP-XXXX has been approved, and should be performed only with the authorization of the site Director.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a 2-story early 20th century house, with an area of 25m2 located in rural ██████ ,█████. Its anomalous properties include the ability to maintain itself in livable conditions, with working amenities and fully furnished despite having lacked maintenance for ██ years, its apparent ability to communicate directly through auditory hallucinations with subjects inhabiting it and its ability to produce an instance of SCP-XXXX-1. Examination of public records of ██████ yield no information regarding when SCP-XXXX was originally constructed, and no records of previous ownership can be found. SCP-XXXX came to the Foundation's attention when a string of disappearances led the local police to investigate the area, resulting in the confinement and eventual death of █ officers within the building. Following their attempted rescue, resulting in █ more deaths, foundation personnel secured the area and established the two-tier perimeter, administering amnestics to all officials and witnesses involved and expunging public records.

SCP-XXXX-1 is a mobile, approximately 2.5 m tall, humanoid entity composed of both non-organic materials, consistent with parts of SCP-XXXX’s construction materials, and organic matter, matching some known victims of SCP-XXXX events, thus far, SCP-XXXX-1’s current known composition includes:

  • Several planks of wood.
  • Cement and drywall, mostly located in its torso.
  • The remains of 3 local police officers and of one foundation security team member captured during incident 2690-██ within its torso, among several other materials, all their facial features still recognizable, and largely preserved against decay through unknown means, SCP-XXXX-1 appears to be using their collective bulletproof vests to augment its durability, suggesting some degree of autonomous intelligence aside from its link to SCP-XXXX.
  • Bone, joint and muscle tissue, assumed to be harvested from other victims, believed to form the base "skeleton" alongside steel beams and iron piping.
  • The heads of several previous victims of SCP-XXXX, collectively serving as SCP-XXXX-1's "head", individual identification is impossible due to the way they are merged to each other and to other miscellaneous materials.

SCP-XXXX-1 has the ability to regenerate any parts of itself it has lost using more of its own mass and has been proven extremely resilient to termination attempts, typically being able to retreat from exceedingly threatening situations before being completely eliminated. SCP-XXXX-1's total destruction has only been previously managed once, it soon being replaced with the current primary instance of SCP-XXXX-1.While additional instances of SCP-XXXX-1 can activate simultaneously, this single main and largest instance is always the first, and often only instance to activate, unless special circumstances are introduced, as described below.

It has been gathered from several tests, that SCP-XXXX-1’s apparent function is to forcibly abduct and capture at least three, and no more than six humans from nearby locations back to SCP-XXXX, it then is re-absorbed into its structure by deconstructing itself into any wall, how it accomplishes this and whether it constitutes a reality alteration is currently unknown as only audio/video evidence from test subjects is available, deeper analysis is pending.

The subjects will reportedly immediately begin to hear a voice, this voice is not audible to anyone not currently inside SCP-XXXX nor have any attempts at recording it through any audio/video equipment introduced with subjects succeeded. The voice is described by subjects as “harsh”, “masculine”, “imposing”, and as “coming from the house itself”.

SCP-XXXX will then assign family roles and chores to the subjects inside, regardless of actual relationship, gender and age of the subjects inside, and there is always at least one “mother”, “father” and one “child”. Should the number of captured subjects exceed 3, any additional subjects will always assume the role of additional “children” or “servants”. Should less than three subjects be either captured by SCP-XXXX-1 or should they enter SCP-XXXX of their own accord, they will still be held within its premises, being reportedly told to “wait for the rest of the family”.

Subjects are then directed to perform several typical family “scripts” consistent with practices in the 19th and early 20th centuries' traditions for ██████, non-compliance with these tasks and attempts to leave or damage SCP-XXXX at any point results in parts or the whole of SCP-XXXX-1 appearing in response from any point of the building and physically punishing subjects, complying with these tasks appears to “appease” SCP-XXXX, however, a pattern of increasing intolerance for script deviation, or any apparent distress on the part of subjects emerges, and is met with increasingly harsh reported verbal punishment, urging subjects to “Just get it [EXPLETIVE] right” and eventually escalating to physical, from SCP-XXXX and SCP-XXXX-1 respectively.

As the limited supplies the subjects are sent in with run out, certain SCP-XXXX scripts, such as “dinner time”, “faithful wife washing the clothes for her beloved husband” and “father disciplining his servant with freezing water” become impossible to conduct, resulting in escalating reported verbal and physical violence. As the subjects are not allowed to leave and any attempts at outside intervention to extract the subjects or deliver additional supplies is met with the creation of one or several smaller but equally hostile instances of SCP-XXXX-1 (this being the only time more than one instance of SCP-XXXX-1 has been reported to be active at the same time), their deaths due to either violence perpetrated by SCP-XXXX-1 or starvation/dehydration are practically inevitable. According to the subjects’ reports, SCP-XXXX does not seem to be aware of this, casting blame wholly onto subjects' perceived imperfection for their own failure to comply with scripts and their own demise. For this reason, testing is only authorized to be performed by D-class personnel only.

Observation of SCP-XXXX after Family Unit termination has discovered the bodies of the deceased are collected shortly and brought into the structure itself by SCP-XXXX-1, to be preserved by unknown means in a yet unknown, possibly extra-dimensional location for the creation of secondary instances of SCP-XXXX-1 or repair/augmentation of primary SCP-XXXX-1 entity. Termination of a “family” is followed by a period of inactivity from SCP-XXXX which appears to be variable but generally proportional to the number of deceased, the longest one spanning █ weeks. Likewise, the absence of inhabitants due to containment protocols appeared to have induced more frequent and aggressive appearances of SCP-XXXX-1 attempting to leave the site perimeter, up to █ in as many hours until more D-class personnel were introduced for testing. (See Incident report 2690-██ for details.)

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