baconius' sandbox page


Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be contained in a heat proofed locker at Site-42. Under no circumstances are samples of SCP-xxxx to come in to contact with living biological tissue unless during testing approved by at least one (1) level 3 Personnel. When handled outside of testing, personnel are to wear fire proof gloves and other clothing to prevent accidental exposure. All SCP-xxxx-A subjects are to be incinerated after testing is completed.

Description: SCP-xxxx is a wheel of cheddar cheese approximately 34cm in diameter and 10cm thick. SCP-xxxx has a surface temperature 60°C of and an internal temperature of 90°C. It is unknown how SCP-xxxx generates these temperatures nor is it known how it keeps its shape when normal cheese would have melted. Analysis of SCP-xxxx samples show that it consists of many proteins, fats, and bacteria common in non-anomalous cheese, with less than 1% of proteins that are not unknown. Attempts to synthesize these proteins have failed. SCP-xxxx shows its anomalous properties in 3 phases.

Phase 1: When SCP-xxxx comes into contact with living biological tissue it will "melt" on to and attach to the contacted area. It will then move toward the subject's mouth and then into their stomach. This process takes 5-10 seconds and causes extreme pain due to 2nd and 3rd degree burns. If SCP-xxxx is successfully removed before entering the subject's mouth, it will become inactive and not progress to phase 2. However, because SCP-xxxx travels quickly after initial contact, 85% of test subjects were unable to remove it, unless their head was fully covered prior to initial contact. If the subject's head is covered, SCP-xxxx will move to other orifices such as [REDACTED] and settle in the intestines or other organs.

Phase 2: Phase 2 begins after SCP-xxxx has entered an subject (now referred to as SCP-xxxx-A) and settled in their stomach or intestines. Over the course of 2-3 days, SCP-xxxx-A will be converted into cheese, starting with the internal organs. SCP-xxxx-A will expire during the conversion due to the loss of their organ functions. Any unconverted tissue removed from SCP-xxxx-A will remain unconverted even if it is reattached.

Phase 3: Once SCP-xxxx-A has been fully converted in to cheese, SCP-xxxx will melt out of SCP-xxxx-A and can be re-contained through proper containment procedures. Fully converted SCP-xxxx-A subjects are non-anomalous and can be consumed without incident.

Addendum - Recovery Log-xxxx: Foundation agents responded to an incident at the █████ █████ Winery in ██████, California after intercepting a 911 emergency call. Agents were able to contain the object without incident and transported it to a secure holding facility along with four other victims. After conducting on-site interviews, Class-A amnesiacs were given to all thise involved in the incident.