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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX and SCP-XXXX-1 are to be kept in separate secure storage lockers at Site-19, with the former being stored in an unpowered state. Experiments on SCP-XXXX and SCP-XXXX-1 are only to take place with written approval from Dr. Shearer. All personnel coming into contact with SCP-XXXX must wear site standard fire-resistant clothing to prevent unnecessary injury.

Description: SCP-XXXX is an electric fan oven produced by the Indesit company in 20██. SCP-XXXX appears to be one of a kind and its effect does not manifest in other models produced by the same company. SCP-XXXX consists of a fan-assisted oven, a grill and a worktop with four burners; each of these components may be controlled individually as with similar models. When SCP-XXXX is connected to a source of power, the oven component will begin generating, through unknown means, a fire consistent with that produced by overcooking meat. This fire will engulf the oven compartment and burn at a constant rate of 540°C. However, if the oven door of SCP-XXXX is opened, the flame will not spread. The grill and burner components are non-anomalous and function as expected when SCP-XXXX is connected to a power source.

SCP-XXXX-1 refers to a cast iron skillet of unknown make which was found on the worktop of SCP-XXXX at the time of discovery. If SCP-XXXX-1 is used on any of the burners on SCP-XXXX to cook any product containing beef, the fire within SCP-XXXX’s oven will transfigure through a process not yet understood into magnetospheric plasma. Simultaneously, the fan of SCP-XXXX’s oven will activate, producing a solar wind and thus creating an aurora visual effect. While this effect is active, the oven door of SCP-XXXX may be opened normally which, contrary to its default state, results in the aurora escaping the oven and spreading. Notably, SCP-XXXX’s effect will be confined to the same room as SCP-XXXX and the aurora will not escape through open windows and doors. The aurora effect produced by SCP-XXXX has been shown to last indefinitely as long as SCP-XXXX-1 is cooking beef and for up to 3 hours after cooking has ceased, during which time the fire within SCP-XXXX will gradually revert to its default state.

SCP-XXXX was discovered by Foundation agents monitoring phone calls in the upstate New York area for anomalous activity on █/█/2017. A call was intercepted from a Mr. ██████ █████ to the ████ hardware appliance store in Utica complaining of an “aurora borealis” in his kitchen. During a subsequent interview, Mr. █████ revealed that SCP-XXXX had been delivered that morning and signed for by his mother, who was living with dementia, and had perceived SCP-XXXX’s default effect as his mother having burnt dinner for a guest. It was only when he desperately attempted to use SCP-XXXX-1 to cook frozen hamburgers that SCP-XXXX’s secondary effect manifested. SCP-XXXX was seized and all involved parties were given Class-A amnestics and released.