The Child Bearing Corpse

Item #: SCP - xxxx

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP - xxxx - 1 is to be stored in a 5m x 5m refrigerated room with a temperature of 0 °C and an absolute humidity of 0%. Only female Foundation personnel with Level 2 security clearance or higher are permitted to enter the chamber. Lesbians and Bisexuals are strictly prohibited. Two female armed guards are to be posted at the entrance, one inside and one out. Any and all force should be exercised up to lethal force to prevent the entrance of males. Should a non-heterosexual women enter they are to be treated as a male and the same actions applied.

Once every 28 day cycle one (1) D-class male is to be introduced into the chamber and aloud to copulate with SCP - xxxx. Should the D-class be unable to perform, an aphrodisiac is to be administered. When the procedure is completed the D-class personnel is to be administered B-class amnesiacs. No D-class personnel should be allowed to perform this procedure more than once. should the object not be successfully inseminated, the process is to be repeated 28 days later.

Children born from SCP - xxxx - 1 (referred to hereafter as "carrier") are to be examined by on site medical staff and then placed in the care of Dr. B███████ and raised in the onsite child care facility. On the aniversery of the birth of said subject they are to be place up for adoption. SCP personnel are the prime candidates for adoption for the sake of tracking the infant. should no agent be available to adopt, the child shall be place in to a public adoption agency and a story regarding the parents is to be fabricated. The social security number of the child is to be stored and monitored.

when the carrier reaches the age of eleven, a field agent is to monitor all activity of the individual. Personnel are not to interfere if it can be avoided. The agent is to be rotated weekly to avoid drawing suspicion. the observation of the carrier is to discontinue in the event of the carrier become pregnant.

In the event of the subject becoming deceased before a pregnancy occur, the body is to be brought into foundation custody. the corpse shall be stored under similar conditions as SCP - xxxx - 1. should the corpse develop anomalous properties, it is to be treated as a duplicate SCP - xxxx - 1. the body shall be impregnated as stated above and allowed to give birth. after the first birth the body is to be incinerated.

If the corpse develops into SCP - xxxx - 2 the chamber it is stored in shall be sealed and filled with a caustic base solution. the resultant liquid shall be drained and the remaining bones incinerated.

If SCP - xxxx - 2 breaks containment, a team consisting of only males trained in lethal hand to hand combat is to be dispatch to hunt down the entity. any female who come into contact with the creature are to be monitored for any unexpected pregnancies. women who show no no signs of pregnancy after 60 days are considered safe. women who develop a fetus are to be scheduled for abortion the moment of confirmation.

If any instance of SCP - xxxx - 3 is discovered the on sight nuclear device is to be detonated. Evacuation is prohibited.

Description: SCP - xxxx is the collective classification for a phenomenon that occurs in female corpses such that they can become pregnant and give birth. the process that allows this to occur is as of yet unknown. Any Females born this way become carriers. should a carrier die before they can successfully become pregnant they will become a corpse capable of producing children.

SCP - xxxx - 1 Ω is the first known occurrence. The corpse was that of a Caucasian female roughly 1.5 meters in height. The corpse is currently being stored at site ██. SCP - xxxx - 1 possesses a memetic influence over anyone who would have sexual desire for a female. Despite any and all normal bodily functions having ceased, anyone who wishes to has no problem in attempts to mate with the corpse. Despite the severe rotting usually present and bacteria present illness will not develop.

When a carrier dies before successfully becoming pregnant, they may become a carrier corpse. Once this occurs there is a small window of time to determine whether the corpse will develop anomalous properties. should the corpse menstruate between 1 and 28 days after death then it shall be considered an instance of SCP - xxxx -1 and will possess all properties. The corpse must be mated before the second postmortem menstrual cycle and at least once every 28 days to prevent the progression to SCP - xxxx - 2.

Note: pregnancy is not required to prevent transformation.

The relative durability of each corpse depends on the number of children produced. by each corpse. One birth and the body is no more difficult to destroy than any other body of similar size. this increase of strength grows exponentially. see experiment log xxxx - 132

The transformation to SCP - xxxx - 2 will occur in less than 20 seconds. the corpse will begin leaking an orange liquid from every orifice and cover the surface of the body. The liquid will harden into a substance as hard as marble. Testing has revealed the liquid to be similar to wax. Once covered and hardened the corpse will begin moving again and show extreme hostility. if the being is allowed to view a female it will make a path to them. if physical contact occurs the female will become pregnant with an instance of SCP - xxxx - 3. if the entity is unable to make contact with skin due to clothing, SCP - xxxx - 2 will use its teeth to shred the cloth. It's goal as been shown to not harm the female, but just make contact. this leads some to believe in a low level of sentience. SCP - xxxx - 2 is no stronger than an average human just more animistic. basic hand to hand combat is sufficient in dispatching and defending against one.

When men look at a carrier corpse they will see their perfect partner and feel compelled to breed with her. the man's sexuality does not matter in this case. (It has been theorized that this is to ensure the insemination of the corpse.) the man will completely disregard their surroundings in order to complete this task. this will include the odor produced by the rotting flesh of the corpse itself. this effect does not transfer through recordings of the corpse. Reflections on the other hand reveal the true scene. see incident xxxx a

When women look at a carrier corpse the will see the true appearance. This is true in all instances where the female in question is heterosexual. in the case of the female being homo/bisexual, the person will feel a very strong romantic attraction to the corpse. They will see the corps at their ideal lover. Should the female be successful in performing any acts that would normally cause the transfer of bodily fluids (Ex: kissing, intercourse, [REDACTED], ect.) they will immediately become pregnant with an instance of SCP - xxxx - 3.

SCP - xxxx - 3 Is an entity composed entirely of the same liquid that covers instances of SCP - xxxx - 2. if you see one alive, you [Expunged]. the creature has show intelligence well eceeding an I.Q. of ████. incredibly aggressive tendencies have led to the death of ██ female Foundation staff, ███ male staff, and the creation of 2███ instances of SCP - xxxx - 2. see incident xxxx a