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An example of physical anomalies on instances of SCP-XXXX, found on SCP-XXXX-06.

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Mobile Task force Epsilon-8 ("The Midwives") is tasked with the ongoing observations of all hospitals and clinics in the ██████ region of Central and Northern Europe for possible manifestations of SCP-XXXX. Task force operatives are to monitor for all unusual mutations and anomalies in newborn children that may be signs of an SCP-XXXX instance. When an instance of SCP-XXXX is identified, it is to be seized and all family are to be administered class-D amnestics.

Instances of SCP-XXXX are to be kept in semi-standard humanoid containment cells within Site 06-3 modified to fit the possible medical needs of the instance. Instances of SCP-XXXX are to be fed a diet of synthesized PVB1-XXXX formula, that is not to exceed 1,500 calories, in order to suppress SCP-XXXX's anomalous properties. All staff not of Caucasian European descent are strongly recommended to limit direct contact with SCP-XXXX instances.

There are currently ██ instances of SCP-XXXX housed within Site-06-3.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a seemingly spontaneous chromosomal mutation in newborn humans. Patients of the SCP-XXXX mutation feature several anomalous features and abilities that set them apart from non-anomalous humans. These features include multiple duplicates of sensory organs, pictured above, including extra digits and limbs. Also included is excess muscle and bone tissue, and a slightly bulbous cranium. Many of these abnormalities are disfiguring and hinder SCP-XXXX's ability to function normally without medical attention. Many instances have symptoms of genetic filariasis of varying severity. Fully grown instances of SCP-XXXX range form 2.5-3 meters in height, and often have an IQ between 50-75.

All instances of SCP-XXXX are of Caucasian and of northern European descent, most commonly featuring blonde hair and blue eyes.. All verbal instances claim to be members of the German Workers Party's 'die Autorität' branch, though the existence of said branch is unconfirmed.

Additional anomalous properties manifest when an instance of SCP-XXXX sets its focus on a human subject. SCP-XXXX instances have the ability to detect and determine the ethnic and cultural background of an individual. If the subject is not Caucasian and is not in some way directly of northern or central European descent, the SCP-XXXX instance can, by unknown means, lull the human subject into a state of submission2. Humans under this effect will regard SCP-XXXX instances and people of European descent as authority figures and behave timidly in their presence. This effect is only active when in a nine meter proximity to SCP-XXXX instances and requires intense focus on SCP-XXXX's behalf.

SCP-XXXX's anomalous properties are believed to be largely derived from the sporadic mutations of chromosomes. These mutations consist of the formation of several additional chromosomes within the instance. The exact number of additional structures varies from case to case, but is directly proportional to the severity of disfigurement and capacity of the anomalous influence if the instance. Most of the genes within the chromosomes are responsible for the formation of additional muscle and bone tissue, which is credited as the reason for SCP-XXXX's physical appearance. These structures' possible role in SCP-XXXX's other anomalous features is currently under investigation.

Addendum XXXX-01:

On ██/██/19██ the Foundation was made aware of a series of disappearances and overall strange behavior from the community of [DATA EXPUNGED], Poland. Upon investigation, several instances of SCP-XXXX were found to be inhabiting an abandoned ranch on the outskirts of the town. One instance, designated SCP-XXXX-06, displayed a strangely high intelligence for SCP-XXXX instances and seemed to be organizing the abduction and forced labor of the citizens of [DATA EXPUNGED].

The 13 SCP-XXXX instances were observed using their combined influence to force civilians into gathering a variety of resources, including [DATA EXPUNGED], and the construction of [REDACTED]. It is believed that SCP-XXXX-06 was orchestrating a plot to overthrow the remaining population of [DATA EXPUNGED]. The following interview ensued.

Addendum XXXX-02: Interview Log

Interviewed: SCP-XXXX-06

Interviewer: Dr.S█████

Foreword: Dr.S█████ was tasked with determining SCP-XXXX-06's role in its group as well as any additional information regarding SCP-XXXX or the incident. SCP-XXXX-06 spoke fluent German.

<Begin Log>

Dr.S█████: Can you tell me what you were doing with those people?

SCP-XXXX-06: That information is on a need to know basis. And while you bastards have my men, you will know nothing!

Dr.S█████: This isn't about your men, we need to understand why you abducted those people.

SCP-XXXX-06: We abducted no one. We were simply fulfilling the task assigned to all members of die Autorität.

Dr.S█████: I see. What else can you tell me about 'die Autorität'?

SCP-XXXX-06: We are perfect. We are the hands of the master race.

Dr.S█████: Could you elaborate?

SCP-XXXX-06 We are the Führer's children. We are each born to extend his will over the weak. As we grow, the weak fall!

If this ever makes its way to the main site, I doubt this interview will be here. It's pretty rough right now. I'll keep polishing it to see if its worth keeping.

Addendum XXXX-03: