
Russian Windows 2000 clone

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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is currently kept in an average jewel CD-ROM case in ██████ on Site B, and any retrieval must first be approved by Dr. ████ through a signed warrant. This CD-ROM case is labeled as SCP-XXXX appropriately and must remain so. The presence of SCP-XXXX must be assured on the first of each month by Dr. ████. In the event of his, this routine should be performed by Foundation personnel of Level 4 Clearance. If SCP-XXXX is to be relocated, it must be labeled and delivered personally to Agent ████ ONLY after Dr. █████'s approval.

Though use of SCP-XXXX is highly discouraged after 4/03/20██, research rights may be granted by Dr. █████ if requested, in which case a signed notice will be provided and will be required for access to SCP-XXXX. Should research be conducted on SCP-XXXX, the following safety procedures must be followed: the computer on which SCP-XXXX is to be installed is not to be connected to any sort of network through cable or wireless connections, so as to prevent a containment breach. For any extended research to be posisble, the hardware used must follow the given minimum requirements given by Dr. ████. As a rule of thumb, any hard drive used for SCP-XXXX-1 should be at least 1 tb in size, to accomodate for its qualities and allow prolonged tests.

The computer on which SCP-XXXX is present will be referred to as SCP-XXXX-1 in subsequent research logs. Research sessions should not be any longer than 10 minutes so as to avoid possible damage to hardware. SCP-XXXX-1 must be shut down after 30 minutes of use at maximum. From this point on, the harddrive and motherboard used in SCP-XXXX-1 are not to be used in any other computer without the status of SCP-XXXX-1 so as to prevent a possible containment breach. Any content on SCP-XXXX-1 must not be copied onto another non-SCP-XXXX-1 computer.

If SCP-XXXX-1 is allowed to be connected to the internet, no more safety measures will be necessary.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a 8cm CD-ROM with a data capacity of approx. 184 mb, containing an unknown operating system visibly similar and functionally equivalent to Windows 2000. It however differs in a myriad ways, such as any reference to Microsoft or Windows being removed. The installation procedure causes the computer to emit a loud droning squarewave sound at around 90 dB, and is comprised of a single loading bar, which appears as soon as the CD-ROM is read. On any computer, the installation process will require 3 minutes and 54 seconds, after which the computer is restarted and from this point on assumes the role of SCP-XXXX-1.

Boot-up does not go through any sort of MS-DOS launch and rather simply takes the user to the equivalent of the "Desktop" as soon as it is powered on. No matter the monitor used, SCP-XXXX-1 will always function at a resolution of 640x480 and in Cyrillic, although personnel acquainted with the Russian language have confirmed that SCP-XXXX-1's text is nothing but "garbled letters and symbols". A number of content remains in English, such as a few program names, as well as the "Shut Down" menu. There is no control panel to speak of.

Although SCP-XXXX-1 features a plethora of Microsoft Office-like applications, few of them function properly, and fewer function at all. A single application without any given purpose, иродбеток.exe, is entirely functional as described downwards, though its purpose is still unclear as of 10/19/20██ and may be subject to research.
On a brand new install, a variety of files are written on the hard drive, including four (4) picture files (.bmp format), three (3) audiovisual files (*.wmv format), and one (1) audio file.
Of the four picture files, деяких.bmp and ужиакі.bmp are corrupted and cannot be opened on any SCP-XXXX-1 computer. The two others, можліна.bmp and моожнаам.bmp, are openable. One seems to depict a two-story, Western European-styled house whose location remains unknown as of 10/19/20██. The other depicts [DATA EXPUNGED] and may cause nausea, uneasyness, and a feeling of thirst for fresh drink in any subject exposed to it.

The three audovisual files, иродбеток_1.avi, иродбеток_2.avi, and иродбеток_5.avi appear to all be the same recording of a man walking around the house shown in можліна.bmp. Though his back is to the camera, he seems to be heard saying in a neutral tone "О, кааль, я бытлив. кааль, баы тлив.".
The final file present on the desktop, кароливбл.mp3, was concluded to be garbage data, though a number of personnel has been recorded claiming that the sound file gave them a great sense of vertigo and nostalgia.

Creation of any new file on SCP-XXXX-1 will cause a "ERROR542: Правилопедов" error, and though the new file will appear it will vanish after 20 seconds. Attempts at opening manmade files on SCP-XXXX-1 will result in yet another "ERROR542: Правилопедов" error.
The "My Documents" folder present seems to contain 50 folders, all of them empty but ten, which contain hundreds of copies of the aforementioned files, equal in size and content, and featuring no hexadecimal variations, which leads us to believe that they are perfect copies. One folder, журналавар, contains various logs upon installation.

Each log is in English, and seems to refer to every single space on the hard drive. On install, 3 gbs of logs are created. However, these seem to vary in content on each installation. Afterwards, extended use of SCP-XXXX-1 causes new logs to be created each second, at the rate of approximately 2000, or approximately 15 mb, worth of logs created every ten seconds, even if SCP-XXXX-1 is idle. As such, attempting to delete them is considered an exercise in futility. It is highly recommended that SCP-XXXX-1 is outfitted with adequate cooling, as using SCP-XXXX-1 for more than 2 minutes on end will cause the components to overheat to temperatures upwards of 120°C (attempted on Dr. ████'s spare ‎"SSUNG ATIV Book 9" laptop).

Any computers connected to any instance SCP-XXXX-1 via wireless or cable connection will inevitably crash 1 minute and 23 seconds after SCP-XXXX-1 is powered on, giving the error message DTTC_Правилопедов_TIMEOUT. This happens regardless of SCP-XXXX-1 being turned on, as simply turning it on and off will activate the process. After being reset, the hard drive will have been wiped and replaced by SCP-XXXX-1's content. Properties, such as the endless error-log creation and overheating, and incapacity at creating new files, will be present as well.


  • On 12/25/1998, SCP-XXXX-1's usual solid blue wallpaper was replaced by a red background, with "Счого Рожества!" written on it. This event did not reoccur on Christmas Days past 2004.
  • On 05/13/2008, Agent ████ reported "crunching sounds" emitting from SCP-XXXX-1's speakers after a prolonged period of use (23 minutes and 12 seconds.) Attempts at recreating this event have been unfruitful, though Dr. ████ reported a "song" playing at a very low volume after around 17 minutes of use. This event has been confirmed by the two armed guards stationed at the entrance of his office. This was shown to be the doing of a process called росади.exe, which, when closed, resulted in all sound emitting from SCP-XXXX-1 being unfunctional, even after soft and hard resets.
  • On 08/15/20██, Dr. ████ attempted to connect his smartphone to SCP-XXXX-1 with an USB cable, after putting it in flight mode for safety purposes. This resulted in [DATA EXPUNGED], which, in turn, caused SCP-XXXX to be requalified as an Euclid object for a period of five months, during which no research was made.
  • On 02/22/20██, SCP-XXXX-1 was booted up again after vigorous demands from Agent ███. It behaved as usual, though a vastly corrupted crash log, weighing ███ gb in size, was present on the desktop. Its contents at the time of the accident on 08/15/20██ were as follows:
15:44 AE_5552742... TRUE
15:44 AE_5552743... TRUE
15:44 AE_5552744... FALSE
15:44 AE_5552745... FALSE