Blue Sky Concept Work
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Image of SCP-XXXX taken using a long-focus lens.

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Given the effects and relative isolation of SCP-XXXX, it has been decided by the Administrator of Site 3█ that transfer of SCP-XXXX to Site 3█ be deferred until deemed necessary for containment, or the financial concerns regarding the transport of SCP-XXXX to Site 3█ are mitigated. During the interim, the construction of Site 3█-C has been authorized in order to maintain containment of SCP-XXXX.

Site 3█-C is to consist of a perimeter of circumference 1300 m with signs every 50 m warning that the area contains undetonated explosive munitions. Several yurts capable of housing at least one level two researcher and three security agents, as well as any D-class personnel needed for research are also to be constructed on site.

In order to contain the effects of SCP-XXXX, at least two agents are to be on duty at any one time. On duty agents are tasked with monitoring the perimeter established around SCP-XXXX by closed circuit television, if functioning, or by direct line of sight otherwise. Security agents are tasked with preventing multicellular organisms from breaking the perimeter established around SCP-XXXX. In the case of a breach of containment, security agents are authorized to kill and dispose of any organisms affected by an instance of SCP-XXXX-1.

As of ██/██/201█, use of electricity generated by SCP-XXXX has been authorized for use by staff operating at Site 3█-C
*Administrator ███████

Description: SCP-XXXX is a set of two portable thin film solar cells located at 43° ██' ██.█" N, 101° ██' ██.█" E and an aluminum alloy electrical cable extending 700 meters. The primary effect of SCP-XXXX appears whenever a multicellular organism approaches within approximately 182 meters of the solar cells. Over a period of 3 minutes, an organism affected by SCP-XXXX will become enshrouded in a haze of darkness suspended 4 cm about the organism, hereafter referred to as SCP-XXXX-1.

SCP-XXXX-1 will completely absorb electromagnetic radiation of any wavelength which it comes into contact with, though this effect has been found to only apply to photons produced by the de-excitation of an electron. This includes electromagnetic radiation emanating from both the organism itself and from the environment. Upon contact with an instance of SCP-XXXX-1, the energy of the absorbed photons is converted into electrical energy emanating from SCP-XXXX at an observed efficiency of 89.7%, far in excess of the 11.6% energy efficiency of the solar cells themselves.

Instances of SCP-XXXX-1 will exist until the affected organism has expired, at which point it will dissipate over 6 minutes. SCP-XXXX-1 will not extend itself beyond the living tissue of the organism, however any tissues kept alive outside of the body, e.g. transplanted organs, will continue to be affected by SCP-XXXX-1 until the organism itself dies. Due to its effects, SCP-XXXX-1 has been found to effectively kill all photosynthetic organisms and blind all organisms which rely on photosensitivity to observe their environment.

It should be noted that SCP-XXXX can and will produce power at a rate commensurate with solar cells of similar design without any apparent anomalous activity. However, when a significantly large instance of SCP-XXXX-1 develops, the power produced by SCP-XXXX will exceed the recommended voltage and amperage of the aluminum alloy electrical cable extending from it with no apparent effects upon the cable itself.