
This was posted, getting deleted. Should save it just in case.

Item #: SCP-2755

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: No female personnel other than select Class-Ds are to enter the grounds of Site-179.

SCP-2755-1 is to be kept in a standard humanoid containment cell following contact with SCP-2755. Security personnel are to follow J-Theta-VII ("Cradle Fall") protocols. Routine physical and psychological evaluational are to be carried out on at least a weekly basis, with variable frequency based on the comfort level of the Subject. SCP-2755-1 is never to be separated from SCP-2755 for a period longer than two hours. Requests by SCP-2755-1 for toys, diapers, blankets, and other child care items may be granted. SCP-2755-1 can be trusted to ensure the well-being of the Object following its birth.

Upon final expiration of current SCP-2755-1, a fertile D-Class Subject between the ages of sixteen and thirty is to act as a surrogate mother for the Object. Once metamorphic changes in SCP-2755 are observed, Subject is to be kept unconscious until successful bonding with SCP-2755 has occurred. This D-Class Subject is now to be reclassified as "SCP-2755-1".


SCP-2755 takes the normal characteristics and behavior of a newborn human infant. Physical appearance such as a skin color, eye color, hair color and texture, and facial features appear to vary based upon the features of the current SCP-2755-1. Blood type is always A- and gender is always male. All SCP-2755-1 Subjects have described SCP-2755 as "happy and playful". That description should not be treated as a scientifically sound psychological judgment. SCP-2755 requires the same nutrient intake of a human child.

Physical transformation is considered inevitable. The exact mechanism causing this change has yet to be determined. Metamorphosis occurs precisely twenty-three days following emergence at 2 AM.

Metamorphosis takes two to three hours and includes systematic decay in physiology. Multisystem organ failure is observed in the late stages of this development. Though physically deteriorating SCP-2755 becomes lethally aggressive to male and non-viable female staff throughout this process. Security personnel must be aware that SCP-2755 can be highly dangerous if they are careless with it during this phase. One hour into the transformation, SCP-2755 targets a viable female host to carry it during its parasite stage. Once inside the host, 98% of SCP-2755's remaining mass melts away into a fatty red fluid. SCP-2755 takes on the shape and size of a human embryo into its sixth week of development. The reproductive processes of SCP-2755-1 are engaged, carrying SCP-2755 like a naturally fertilized embryo. Excess bio-matter is expelled by SCP-2755-1 through the urine.

Though this process appears quite painful, none of the SCP-2755-1 Subjects have reported physical distress following the rebonding of SCP-2755. The trauma of SCP-2755's regression wears off in a few days, replaced with highly positive motherly visions for the Object's future. Dr. Raj's in fact has reported a noted "a cheerful glow" in the Subjects while carrying the Object.

Addendum 01: Recovery Log

SCP-2755 was discovered in 19██ in an abandoned maternity ward in the ruins of St. ██████ Hospital located in █████, ██████. Following nearby resident complaints of squatters and strange noises, local police investigated. Seven homeless female squatters were found living in the hospital. Most were found to be highly malnourished and underweight. The seventh woman, SCP-2755-1a, was in excellent health and found to be clutching SCP-2755. Foundation authorities were contacted following first detection of SCP-2755's abnormal parasitic behavior. Class B Amnesiacs were administered to all local authorities. The standing grounds of St. ██████ Hospital were destroyed in subsequent clean-up.

SCP-2755-1a claimed to be Susanna ██████, a native of █████████, ██████. This identity has been verified by local police as matching State Missing Persons reports. Susanna ██████ was last seen by her husband Frank ██████ in their home town of ███, ██████, one thousand kilometers away from St. ██████ Hospital ten years prior. Subject disappeared from the ██████ home two weeks following the death of their infant son, Liam ██████. Coronary records from 19██ have stated Liam's cause of death to have been Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Child died twenty-three days following its birth, with the time of death estimated to be early in the morning, possibly 2 AM Exhumation of physical remains of Liam ██████, which were burred at Mt. Sinai Cemetery, recovered only an empty casket.

The other six Subjects were also Missing Persons who had disappeared somewhere between three months to nine years prior to their discovery. Their identities were quickly verified as also mothers who had lost young children. Three lost their children to SIDs, one to childhood leukemia, and two under suspicious circumstances. X-Rays of six of the Subjects showed calcified fetal remains within their bodies. Attempts to remove these remains for study resulted in the deaths of two of the Subjects. The other four were kept under observation but remained in poor health and weak physical condition, all expired of fatigue within two years. All six Subjects harbored delusions that the remains within them were healthy living fetuses that would be born "soon". They claimed that SCP-2755-1a had "helped them" and "gave them their babies back".

SCP-2755-1a was found with a few loose sheets of paper which had been kept as a diary. Most papers were soaked in rainwater and covered in mud, making transcription of their contents impossible. Only the following passage was recovered:

Dear Liam,
I had a dream last night about you. You were fully grown, and so handsome. You were perfect, a happy smiling man. You came up to me and gave me a big hug. It was so warm, I loved you then more than ever. Then you opened your mouth, smiling with those perfect white teeth of yours. But I couldn't hear what you were trying to say. The wind was too loud, your red hair was flopping everywhere. I woke up here in the Hospital. I wanted to speak with the doctors, my friends are not looking too well, but I don't know what to do to help them… [Contents lost] …I wish I could have heard what you wanted to tell me, I so badly want to see you grow up happy and strong. I lost you once, and now… I don't know how many times its been, but… My friends, they say the next time you'll be perfect, you won't change… Someday I want you to read this with those happy blue eyes I saw in my dream. I have to believe [Contents beyond this were torn off]

Nine months and into SCP-2755-1a,'s pregnancy, Subject delivered in a live birth of SCP-2755 as seemingly healthy infant boy 45 centimeters in length and 2.9 kilograms in mass. SCP-2755-1a expired due to complications in the birth. SCP-2755 was handed over to Dr. ███'s Natal Unit 7 for observation. One week later SCP-2755 suddenly regressed to its parasitic form and embedded itself within Dr. ███, who was then classified as "SCP-2755-1b". Dr. ███ delivered SCP-2755 for a total of three cycles until her own expiration. SCP-2755-1b was distressed in the first week of carrying the Object, but became far more content with the situation as time progressed. Delusional beliefs were noted in SCP-2755-1b, including a belief that SCP-2755 was her own unborn child named Liam, and that Site-179 was a maternity ward in a hospital. Similar fantasies have appeared in all subsequent SCP-2755-1 Subjects.

Addendum: 02

Dr. Raj has estimated that SCP-2755-1d will most likely not be able to survive another pregnancy. A search for a new viable D-Class female candidate must be completed by █/█/20██.