Bluemorpho 4

Item #: SCP-1012-J

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Several disinformation campaigns, including one SCP document, have been dispersed among the general populous and most Foundation personnel. In addition, in order to minimize the chances of SCP-1012-J forming, several security protocols have been implemented globally.

  • Items 1 and 5: Foundation efforts to hinder this component of SCP-1012-J include Protocol 112-J, a project in which the Foundation attempts to coat the entire Earth in as much whole wheat bread as possible. Containment in progress.
  • Items 2 and 4: Disinformation campaign 1012-BLUEWAVES has been put into effect, spreading memetic anti-bovine propaganda. This disinformation campaign paints the creatures as extraterrestrial beings from the Andromeda Galaxy who have infiltrated society in order to steal our precious mucous. Destruction of PATBOMP1 expected ~2100.
  • Item 3: Due to the fact that Item 3 contains as-of-yet unknown substances that possibly fuel its anomalous properties, containment of Item 3 is focused on researching weaknesses of New Kentucky and retrieving a sample, whatever the cost.

Description: SCP-1012-J is a food item composed of five constituent parts, designated Item 1, Item 2, Item 3, Item 4, and Item 5.

Designation Composition Notes
Item 1 Following extended testing taking place within Foundation Orbital Asset 1012-J, it has been determined that Item 1 comprises every single object that is not made of bread. See Protocol 112-J.
Item 2 Item 2 is a common food item known as cheese. Only Item 2 derived from the species Bos Tarus have been known to successfully produce SCP-1012-J.
Item 3 Item 3's composition is not known, although this substance is believed to drastically increase the properties of SCP-1012 due to observed SCP-1012 occurrences2. Any object can take the place of Item 3. Released SCP-1012-J instances originating from New Kentucky have been extremely common, and are the basis of the theorized Item 3.
Item 4 Item 4 is a common food item known as cheese. Only Item 4 derived from the species Bos Tarus have been known to successfully produce SCP-1012-J.
Item 5 Following extended testing taking place within Foundation Orbital Asset 1012-J, it has been determined that Item 5 comprises every single object that is not made of bread. See Protocol 112-J.

SCP-1012-J causes an intense, steadily ramping curiosity in creatures in a 60km radius around it to consume it. Consuming any part of SCP-1012-J upon its creation results in feelings of extreme disgust, inevitably resulting in brain hemorrhaging, exploding, and death.