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Item#: X

Object Class: Safe Thaumiel [H]

Secure Containment Procedure: SCPX is permitted to roam Site-12 as it wants, as long as it is accompanied by at least one D class personnel in good condition to drag an average human to the morgue.

If containment is necessary, SCPX must be contained in a cell at least 1.5 meters wide, 45 centimetres tall, and 1.5 metres in depth. The cell must not contain any air ventilation, must be airtight, and must have a Class 3 airlock or better for entering and exiting.

Description: SCPX is a cloud of smoke of varying volume and shape, but is commonly around 1 meter wide and 30 centimeters tall in a vaguely half-sphere shape with the flat side parallel to the floor. It's color is disputed, but the most common answer along the researchers is that it is a black, almost purple, dark color. It's texture is agreed to be described as "inky" and "very pretty to look at."

SCPX was discovered in 2012 when Mr. [Boxes] was driving home from work and spotted a very low and very small storm cloud. He then took a video and became distressed when it moved towards him. The video went viral, and personell B-23[][] reported the video to his superior.

While the exact nature of SCPX is still being tested, it has been accepted that SCPX has some form of sentiency. It complies with commands and is generally helpful to the staff members.

SCPX can also change the effect that it has when inhaled by another party. While testing is ongoing, it is established that when exposed to SCPX, usually through inhalation, a subject can get one of two effects. The first is that the subject will behave normally except for a state of ultimate bliss in which the subject cannot even recall negative memories.

The second effect is the subject will painfully begin to asphyxiate until dead. The exact nature of this is still unknown.

SCPX is also able to determine if an individual is a threat to The Foundation and change it's effect accordingly. If the individual is not a threat, SCPX will apply it's first effect. If the individual is s threat, SCPX will apply it's second effect. The manner in which SCPX determines this is still being researched

Analysis of Experiment-SCPX-1 through Experiment-SCPX-12
SCPX appears to be nonlethal, even when inhaled for extended periods of time. It's only notable effect is any test subject exposed to forced inhalation of SCPX had reported a totally lucid but completely stress-free state, and later experiments included the request that subjects attempt to recall negative memories,and the subjects were unable to do so.


Incident-SCPX-2 began with two D class subjects entering the chamber. Upon closing the airlock, subject D-6753 exhibited the normal effects of being unser the influence of SCPX. Subject D-6884 immediately began screaming in pain and slamming on the door. Subject D-6753 appeared vaguely aware that this was happening, and confirmed that he was in a post incident interview. Approximately 15 seconds later, subject D-6884 fell to the floor. Dr. [Boxes] instructed D-6753 to check on the status of D-6884. He confirmed that the subject was in fact dead.1
D-6753 was instructed to drag the deceased to the airlock for decontamination. When they entered the airlock, subject D-6753 became increasingly unnerved and stressed out. Analysts determined this was due to a lack of influence from SCPX and the nature of the situation. Medical staff member B-5676 took the deceased away for autopsy.
The autopsy revealed the cause of death was asphyxiation.

Three of the catalogued individuals from Site-12-Inspection-368 were instructed to enter SCPX''s cell. All three had symptoms very close to those of D-6884. All three were declared deceased. A non-cataloged D class personel was instructed to retrieve all three of the deceased. He exhibited effects similar to those of most other test subjects while retrieving the bodies.