The Monster Jumper
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Item # SCP-3554


Scp 3554 in its origin location,just after Agent ████ activated it and just before 3554-2

security Clearance Level 1[] 2█ 3[] 4[] 5[]

object class:Euclid

special containment procedures SCP 3554's chamber should be located on site 61.It is to be put on a class E or rarely D and locked in an 8x8x8m steel cell with the walls greater than 0.7 metres.It should be fed with human parts every hour.In the event of a case of a breach All personel should put on a band or watch with at last 1kg of Silver,gold or Platinum.

description:Scp 3554 appears to be a pink Striped Thin Hoodie For an woman approx 30 years of age.Its anamolous Abilites start when it was put on.
Scp 3554 seems to take no physical damage.When put on the subject starts having a seizure,that subject is now Scp 3554-1.
After about a minute of the seizure the subjects teeth growth speed Becomes 9000% until the teeth triple in size,then after 10-15 minutes the subject's size Grows until its x3 the primary size and its hair growth doubles.
Scp 3554-1 after the transformation is extremely hostile to all humans,if not fed human parts every 1.5 hours it will create scp 3554-2.

If The object Is not put on A human Every 8 hours,the object Will multiply Into 5 and teleport onto the Closest human being.Scp 3554 Cant be Taken off After put on,it can be only took off the subject when it dies.
Any subject Wearing Scp 3554 Will Die after 10 hours.

Most attempts of Asking scp 3544-1 about its actions have been proven unsuccesfull.
see interview log A

Recovery:Scp 3554 Was found in a small house in Poland in the Town of [DATA REDACTED]
Inside there was Scp 3554 lying on the floor,an agent touched and activated it,The colour changed from green to pink,it almost instantly released 3554-2 and Killed (3) out of (5) agents

Interviewed:Scp 3554-1.
Foreword:The Foundation is Asking Scp 3554 of the hostility For humans,Class D-7689 Is current Scp 3554-1.
Event:After an almost Catastrophical breach,Scp 3554-1 almost Killed Agent █████ and Almost Breached 5
Keter SCPs.
Begin Log
Dr.Doreeto:Hello 3554.
Dr.Doreeto:Why Did you Almost Kill Agent █████.
Dr.Doreeto:What?Please Repeat.
D-7689:To finish …..(inaudible).
after 2 hours of trying to get 3xxx to finish the sentence
Dr.Doreeto:Interview ended,Security please escort Scp 3XXX back to his cell
END LOG 16:47
Aftermath:D-7689 Escapes and Kills (2)Security And badly Damages Dr.Doreeto,D-7689 Is put into containment
by (8)Security. the Foundation is trying to find out Whats the thing Scp 354 is trying to finish.

Summary:The Foundation Found out about a new object,and found out that Scp 3554-1 can mutate and become larger after time

Addendum:Research shows Scp 3554 said that to trick the foundation For no known reason