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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures:
Due to the nature of SCP-XXXX, containment is an ongoing procedure consisting of testing and identification of SCP-XXXX in subjects all over the globe.

Testing stations are currently located in most major metropolitan areas. These testing stations operate by advertising payment for participating in a scientific study. The study is consists of administering the Satori-Eckman test to attempt to identify a positive host for SCP-XXXX. Furthermore, Agents stationed at these bases are authorized to administer the Satori-Eckman to any civilian within their jurisdiction, for any reason.

Following a successful identification of SCP-XXXX, the host is to be transferred to the nearest Foundation research facility to be kept in standard humanoid containment. Following their internment in Foundation custody, they may not be permitted to make direct skin contact with any member of the Foundation possessing level two clearance or above.

Due to the high rate of false positives produced by the Satori-Eckman, suspected hosts of SCP-XXXX are to be re-tested for SCP-XXXX bi-monthly. Following two consecutive negative results from the test, the individual is to be administered Class-B amnestics and integrated into a position in the Foundation that would best suit his or her skillset.

SCP-XXXX is a telepathic trait which triggers when a host of SCP-XXXX makes direct skin-contact with a human being. Following this contact, hosts of SCP-XXXX will hear the thoughts of the individual with which they are making contact for a brief period of time, typically one to three seconds. Approximately 0.██ - 1.██% of individuals possess this trait. Based on the age of certain hosts in Foundation custody, it appears to be acquired at birth.