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SCP-XXXX standing freeform.

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be held in a containment chamber that can only be accessed via a vertical lift from the ceiling. The chamber is to be brightly lit at all times, and motion sensors are to be installed around SCP-XXXX and all exits or entrances to the containment chamber.

Any unauthorized access to SCP-XXXX's chamber is strictly forbidden, and the usage of D-Class personnel is heavily discouraged without clear methodology that calls for them. All researchers and containment specialists responsible for SCP-XXXX are to be placed under routine psychological evaluation and rotating shifts. Any specialists or researchers that watch SCP-XXXX through cameras or personal observation can only do so for a maximum of one-hour. Willful observation in excess of this amount is grounds for relocation, demotion, and potentially termination depending on severity.

When preforming research or routine observation on SCP-XXXX, physical contact, no matter the separation, is forbidden. Any personnel that are known to have come into physical contact with SCP-XXXX will be subject to immediate quarantine, and if done purposefully, terminated.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a metallic suit of armor, reminiscent of medieval plate circa 15th century Europe. It stands at an even 2 meters without assistance; it stands upright and without foundation.

SCP-XXXX makes no movement when left alone, but when moved by an object, will return to its upright stature. Any attempts at altering SCP-XXXX's position, will still lead to SCP-XXXX's again returning to its original position.

Analysis of SCP-XXXX's surface "armor" returns reports of iron, copper, and an unknown element yet to be classified by Foundation staff. Limitations around physical contact and visual observation have presented difficulties in detailed analysis of the surface metal, and such measures have been halted.

X-Ray scans reveal that SCP-XXXX is lined with a ribbed, fleshy, and repeatedly moving substance the origin of which, and method of sustenance or reproduction, have not been yet concluded.

Physical contact and overly long visual observation with SCP-XXXX results in an overwhelming desire to "put on" the suit of armor. Any Foundation personnel that express a desire to do so are to immediately be put under quarantine.

As to date, SCP-XXXX has not moved of its own seeming volition without provocation. It has only moved in response to being worn or moved by an exterior object.

SCP-XXXX was obtained from a catacomb beneath ██████, in the Vatican City. A missing Italian archaeological expedition excavating the catacombs of ██████ ██████ were reported missing by Italian media. Agent K███ █████ had been attached to the archaeological division of the University of ███████, and worked with the division under the position of Associate Professor. Upon discovery of documents from █████ dating back to the 1st century A.D., and the resulting expedition's disappearance, Agent K███ █████ alerted the Foundation to the location and purpose of their mission.

Addendum XXXX-1: Audio Logs from MTF Eta-10 ("See No Evil"). Agent K███ █████ correctly predicted that visual and physical contact may be dangerous from their time at the University's archaeological division.

Members of MTF Eta-10, codenamed Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie, begin the audio recording prior to descending the catacombs.

Alpha: "Testing, Command do you hear?"

Command: "Loud and clear, Alpha."

Alpha: "Alright, Command. Bravo and Charlie, suited and booted?"

Bravo: "Yessir."

Charlie: "You got it boss."

Alpha: "Good. Command, we will be beginning descent into the catacomb. Bravo and Charlie, flashlights on, but don't look at anything for too long. We have got to be in and out."

A loud crank is heard as a primitive elevator brings the squad down to the bottom level.

Alpha: "Command, we are at the bottom floor. There doesn't appear to be any other entrances than this one."

Command: "Copy Alpha. Do you have contact with the expedition team or artifact?"

Alpha: "Not yet sure, but they were definitely here. Looks as if….there are about 4 tents here, I'd guess suitable for one person each. Charlie, make sure they haven't just overslept. Me and Bravo will watch the corridor."

Several minutes pass and the only noise heard is Charlie rummaging slowly through the tents.

Charlie: "No archaeologists, or corpses, or much other than trash really. Some sleeping bags, did find this journal though."

Alpha: "Do a quick scan of it for bio-hazards and then bag it and tag it, we gotta keep moving. Command, we'll begin heading down the corridor."

Three minutes pass and only footsteps are heard.

Alpha: "Command, found something."

Command: "Yes, Alpha?"

Alpha: "Yeah, looks like a doorway with some paintings on it. Half of its broken down though, looked like it was held together by something that's been removed. The other side of it is covered in what I guess is one of those church paintings. Guy on it that looks like Jesus, but they all do to me. No movement or contact yet though."

Command: "Copy, Alpha, Keep moving."

The squad moves through the opening, and the crunching of rubble underneath boots is heard. After passage, the footsteps now have a far greater echo, as if on wet stone.

Alpha: "Found one of the students, Command. He's…uh…a little all over the place. We got his torso here, looking pretty good for the most part, 'sides the fact he's dead of course. His legs though, they're hanging from the ceiling, and there's a big stick in the pelvic region."

Command: "Anything else about him?"

Alpha: "Naw, just dead. We'll keep moving, there's two pathways but one's blocked. Looks like the blocked one used to be stairs upwards."

10 minutes pass with nothing but the sounds of movement by the squad again. Then, there is an abrupt silence.

Command: "Alpha? Bravo?"

Alpha: <whispering> "Command, please exercise radio silence."

A faint murmur is heard, a distinctively human tone. The sound slowly gets louder, a sign of the squad discreetly approaching the source.

Unknown: <sobbing> "Ohhh, pleaseeee….."

The unknown voice continues to sob for 4 minutes straight before speaking again.

Unknown: "Please, please let me stay in this. It feels so good. It touches me…it touches me in the right places. I'm sorry I-I-I played with the others too early. I know you want me to go back up, but, I like it down here too! I want to go with you."

There is no noise of any kind for five minutes.

Unknown: "What? What does, what is that supposed to mean? What do you mean there are more? I played with them! But I want to play with you now, where you are!"

There is, again, no noise for five minutes. Then, there is a loud clanking noise, like a suit of armor moving.

Unknown: "No, wait, I did not ask for them to come! I, I, huuuuuhhhnnnn…"

A wet drip is heard for two minutes, then followed by a loud metallic crash.

Alpha: "Holy Christ…."

Command: "Alpha? What happened? What is going on?"

Alpha: "There is this, this suit of armor that somebody was, or is, wearing. We've been here for, maybe, twenty minutes listening to him sob at this painted wall. Then he stood up and he…I don't know how it happened, but he stood up and just started oozing blood everywhere. No screams, no whimpers, just started spilling blood. The little hole in his visor, it just had blood, and some white material pour through. It's all over the place. Send people down here for extraction, and make sure to bring a sarcophagus or something….don't have anyone touch it."

End of audio log.

Addendum XXXX-2: Journal obtained from extraction. Most of the object was either soiled due to water damage or filled with unintelligible and illegible writing, but one page was salvaged.

We have been down here for two weeks, now. After we broke through that holy wall, I knew we did something wrong. Any God-fearing Italian could tell you damaging a fresco like that is sacrilegious, and we will probably lose our licenses after how careless we were. But it's not like we smashed it down with a battering ram…I just removed a small cross from the middle, not attached to anything, and it just crumbled. It has to have been thousands of years old, so it was probably structurally unsound.

The area are behind the wall is pretty small. There's an ancient crumbled stairway leading up to what I can only guess is you-know-who, but the only other way led us to this suit of armor. But it wasn't like the others I've was straight up standing. I nearly pissed my pants when I saw it there, since I made the mistake of volunteering to go first.

Felipe says it might be the armor of some forgotten Swiss Guardsmen. The style doesn't look like that all though, it looks more Germanic or Frankish than anything Italian, especially anything during the Renaissance. We've been here two weeks just examining the frescoes on the walls, most of them depict the symbols of holy devotion to Christ, God, and Mother Mary…there's one though, it has a figure I can't identify, I've never seen them in the artwork before. It shows a dark, but what I can only call beautiful figure sitting on a throne. There's another figure there, laying down on at his feet….his appearance most commonly reminds me of John the Apostle, but I could be wrong. He sits there praying, and there's another image of him next to it then writing down documents.

In other news, I've been thinking of taking a closer look at the armor. It looks really cool, and I've always imagined myself as a bit of a knight, even it it was just a knight of knowledge. I'm going to begin to examining the different pieces, since Julia's been too afraid to disassemble it.

- B