Chohen SCP
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Item #:SCP-3452

Object Class: Euclid


Picture taken of SCP-3452-1 upon discovery.

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3452-1 is to be placed in a small, soundproofed containment cell. SCP-3452-1 is also to be covered in an opaque tarpaulin at all times in order to prevent its ability to see potential targets. Anyone with whom SCP-3452-1 has communicated is to be administered a class-B amnestic as soon as possible, in order to prevent further communication.

All instances of SCP-3452-2 are to be kept in the South Ward of Site-94. As instances are incapable of autonomous muscular movement, adequate nutrition is to be maintained through intubation.

Description: SCP-3452 describes one anomalous entity, SCP-3452-1 and its past victims, referred to as SCP-3452-2.

SCP-3452-1 is a broken Zenith 12A58 radio. SCP-3452-1 produces an auditory cognitohazard whenever it detects a humanoid within hearing range, which it does with sight or hearing capabilities similar to that of a human. The noises emitted by SCP-3452-1 have been described by those unaffected as “a random sequence of slow, drawn out sounds.” Only one person at a time can be affected by SCP-3452-1's cognitohazardous effects.

Those affected claim to hear a voice coming from SCP-3452-1, and have a compulsion to “talk” to SCP-3452-1 at least once every four hours. With each conversation, the affected show a progressively worsening ability to make decisions and/or carry out tasks, and eventually fall into a catatonic state, known as SCP-3452-2.

Instances of SCP-3452-2 are unable to move, speak, or eat. However, MRI scans of instances’ brains reveal abnormal levels of highly concentrated brain activity.

Discovery: The Zenith radio cabinet that currently houses SCP-3452-1 occupied the commercial broadcasting headquarters for FM station K███ in Chicago, IL. from 193█ until the station’s closure in 19██. Its anomalous properties are not known to have manifested prior to that time. The Foundation first became aware of these properties after a series of ██ missing persons reports within four weeks of the station’s closure. Upon investigating the now-abandoned station on ██/██/1943, over fifteen separate instances of SCP-3452-2 were all found lying on the ground. The instances were later identified as the former crew of the radio station, along with three police officers sent to investigate their disappearance. SCP-3452-1 itself was discovered when it began to affect Agent ███████, who immediately notified Agent ████████ about the anomalous presence and instructed her to help load SCP-3452-1 into their vehicle. Two days later, the instances of SCP-3452-2, including Agent ████████, were removed from the station and taken to site-41 for medical treatment.1

SCP-3452-1 Experiment Log:

Addendum-3452-01: On ██/██/43 at 3:06 AM, Researcher ██████ entered the holding cell of SCP-3452-1 without authorization and conversed with it for approximately 22 minutes. His half of the conversation was recorded by security cameras in the area: