
Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Due to the nature of SCP-XXXX containment focuses on identifying and quarantining carriers, as well as instances of SCP-XXXX-1 to SCP-XXXX-14. Anti-fungal medicines are to be used to treat identified carriers of SCP-XXXX, which may be identified publicly as an STI.

All identified instances of SCP-XXXX-1 to SCP-XXXX-14 are to be housed at a secure compound designated Area ██ and fitted with standard tracking bracelets. Foundation staff are stationed to monitor the compound and terminate any instances attempting containment breach.

Area ██ is designed to be self-sufficient. The on-site command centre provides a communication channel with the inhabitants in case of emergency or research requests. All other monitoring is passive and does not require Foundation personnel to interact with inhabitants.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a sexually transmitted viral infection. In both males and females SCP-XXXX travels to and infects the gonads, being passed on during unprotected intercourse. Once the infection is complete the gametes produced have genetic templates overwritten, such that two individuals infected with SCP-XXXX will produce a descendant which is a genetic clone of one of 14 identified variants (SCP-XXXX-1 to SCP-XXXX-14, collectively designated SCP-XXXX-n).

Unlike the majority of sexually transmitted viral infections SCP-XXXX is not subject to mutation. Instead new strains of SCP-XXXX only arise in instances of SCP-XXXX-n who are believed to be the sources of the infection. SCP-XXXX-n instances are themselves sterile. SCP-XXXX infection can be treated through anti-viral medication. In males new gametes are produced as normal once the infection is treated, however in females sterility results.

Any genetic clones of SCP-XXXX-n have partial memories of the lives of any predecessors on their genetic strain. It appears that these memories cannot be fully integrated during the cloning process and instead manifest as fragmentary past life visions selected apparently at random from points along the genetic legacy of the SCP-XXXX-n instance. Analysis of accounts of these memories has provided the attached documentation, approximately dated using historical details presented during the accounts.
