ColdSockets SandBox
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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures:
Light-bulbs containing the filament Promethium-145 are to placed in a Standard Containment Locker within Research Lab 49-B at Site-15. Personal requesting to remove and test upon SCP-XXXX must have Level 2 Clearance. At least 2 Security Personnel must be present whilst experimentation is in progress. Electrical Kill-switch Beta-7 is to be primed at all times. Should a life-form of hostile nature to be observed or a life-form attempts to leave the instances radius, Kill-Switch Beta-7 is to be set to 200W and activated.

SCP-XXXX-1 is to be kept in a Soundproof Standard Containment Cell Type L within Site-15. Once a day SCP-XXXX-1 is to be fed 2 kg of meat. If SCP-XXXX-1 is to become hostile, Electrical-Grid-Alpha-4 is be activated for approximately 5 seconds. If further hostility is recorded Dr M. Circie is to be notified and further actions are to be taken on her decision.

SCP-XXXX is a temporal spatial phenomenon caused by the experimental filament Promethium-145 within standard 100W light-bulbs. This phenomena involves the transportation of matter through temporal spatial overlaps within in our relative universe. SCP-XXXX occurs when a light-bulb with the filament Promethium-145 is turned on; the light-bulb housing the instance will then begin to flicker at 25 BPM, proceeding to accelerate to 250BPM until the light-bulb emits a flash of 30 000 lm. Immediately after this a radius of ranging to 5 m to 10 m directly below the light-bulb will contain the SCP-XXXX instance. However the space within this radius will become inaccessible to pass through from both the exterior and interior. See Incident XXXX-92. Within the radius of SCP-XXXX a range of life forms and terrain can and has been observed, however MTF-Gamma-17 is yet to re-establish contact. SCP-XXXX has been known to last for up to ██ hours until naturally ceasing with a flash of 30 000 lm. SCP-XXXX cannot be ceased artificially unless the light-bulbs filament is damaged beyond use; achieved through excessive use of wattage over 100W.

SCP-XXXX-1 is a humanoid of 1.8 m of a docile nature. SCP-XXXX-1 is capable to producing extremely vocations of ███ dB which can cause complete lose of hearing without appropriate equipment. SCP-XXXX-1 epidermis is covered in a durable exoskeleton theorised to be made up of an iron alloy.

SCP-XXXX was discovered after multiple reports of hallucinations within ███████, UK. Agents embed within the emergency services were quick to administer Class B amnestics to █ civilians onsite after a distressed phone caller reported seeing 'A large octopus' appear within their lounge. An article was quickly posted around media and news outlets as the mass hallucinations being due to a localized gas mains leak.