Featured Pool

Here is the current pool for featured articles and tales.

Zyn (in charge of featured articles, yo)

Personnel posse:


  • rating less than +70 (but at least 40s so it'll hold after the publicity)
  • age at least 6 months
  • relatively low number of comments
  • if possible, non-staff author or interesting quirk that breaks the mold!1!!11!! (rewrite, collab, interesting image, etc)

Articles for consideration (with title and rating at time of addition to list)

SCP-812 - A Big Box of River - 47
SCP-1567 - The Dunne of Gallen - 62

Tales for consideration (with rating at time of addition to list)

Dichotomy 34
Walter G 49
A Circus for MC&D Ltd 43


SCP-2412 - Cassandra Bot - Choiwel - 75
SCP-2236 - Optical Instrument - spikebrennan - 58
SCP-2830 - "The Knowledge" - Kate McTiriss - 72
SCP-2907 - Won't Get Fooled Again - Sound Chaser - 57
SCP-2444 - The Arrogance of Kumbhakarna - Von Pincier - 59
SCP-1736 - Voice of the Light - sandrewswann - 56
SCP-1421 - The Unreliable Oracle - SRegan - 79 (Disclaimer: Featured Before)
SCP-1748 - Dragon's Legacy - Anborough - 41
SCP-306 - The Frogs - Waterfire - 45
SCP-2333 - One Week To Live - Waterfire - 51

Incident 0401-42-III - 'Chornobylska Katastrofa' - ComradeChernov - 33
Birth by Guitar - Zolgamax - 35
Of Able - Kain Pathos Crow - 36
Don Ferreiro's Lie-Katana - Impslayer - 74
New Age - a Tale - SRegan - 22 (Disclaimer: Featured before)
His Kind Eyes - Anborough - 57
I'll See You Next Time - Anborough - 31
Learning the Alphabet Hub - multiple? - 44
They Will Leave Us With a Shaken Earth - vezaz - 62

Event feature ideas:
from Voct: SCP-2078 "Third Party" for November 8, 2016 (ask around?)