Mobile Task Force Eta-13, also known as "Gulliver's Tourists," was the SCP Foundation team created to journey into a massive series of tunnels extending through extra-dimensional space, colloquially known as "The Gate." Lead by Sgt. Darren Wells and Dr. Johna Baldric…
Tale Serial Hub
un·found·ed adj. Having no foundation or basis in fact.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
And that which man thinks he knows best
Might have been different before he came.
Ancient stories, once lain to rest.
Single white male, 20-25, wanted for questioning in conjunction with multiple homicides.
As small business, your hours can flex, and we can flex to accommodate YOU because The Stuff Industry cannot function without YOU!
So, you wanna join the Foundation… Pal, you don't know the half of it. I seen shit you wouldn't fuckin' believe if your mama told you in Sunday School. Name's Max Lombardi, an' I been an Agent for ten goddamn years. You wanna know what it's like? Lemme tell you about it…
The individual or group known as Anderson has long been a very minor, if not very annoying, thorn in the Foundation’s side. Primarily dealers of anomalous robotics and biomechanics, they have consistently avoided capture through both the nimbleness offered by the small size of their operation and an apparently vast network of connections with other groups and individuals of interest.
The Foundation knows no ideology but containment. The rest of the world, on the other hand…
Wow! You just found yourself the Tales of Mr. Collector, a limited edition story collection from Dr. Wondertainment!
Read them all and become Mr. Reader!!
These are the tales that serve as the basis of the canon: the escape of the Black Rabbit Company from the Foundation and the theft of SCP-2722.