the wall
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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX All personnel assigned to SCP-XXXX are required to first approach from its Eastern end to avoid its effects.

Description: an old, waist-high stone wall that convinces people on one side that it’s completely impossible to get over, that it’s terrifyingly powerful and impregnable, that fills them with terror about what it’s containing

and on the other side it fills people with awe and pride, believing they’re safe and untouchable, that the forces of god couldn’t knock this wall down and they’ll laugh at anyone who tries, like kings within the walls of troy

the effect is broken if you manage to get over the wall, or if you come to the end. people on the terror side are too afraid to try, people on the pride side believe it goes on forever.

Interviewed: [The person, persons, or SCP being interviewed]

Interviewer: [Interviewer, can be blocked out using █]

Foreword: [Small passage describing the interview]

<Begin Log, [optional time info]>

Interviewer: [speech]

Person: [speech]

[Repeat as necessary]

<End Log, [optional time info]>

Closing Statement: [Small summary and passage on what transpired afterward]