Cpt Fields

Item Number: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Safe

Secure Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be kept in a standard size specimen terrarium in the biological research lab at Site-27. SCP-XXXX is to be provided with twenty grams of solid graphite every six hours. Personnel intending to handle SCP-XXXX are required to wear full protective hazmat suits.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a miniature lion figurine composed of pure diamond. This miniature is fully animate and exhibits behavior similar to its organic counterpart, with some specific exceptions. SCP-XXXX does require nourishment, however it will only consume graphite. Testing has shown that SCP-XXXX will continuously consume any graphite available to it until none remains.

The volume of graphite consumed has a direct impact on the size of SCP-XXXX. For every gram of graphite consumed, SCP-XXXX will increase its own mass by roughly one hundred milligrams. Conversely every six hours, SCP-XXXX will ‘shed’ a layer of diamond particles accounting for approximately 1/50 of its total mass. Current feeding procedures maintain SCP-XXXX’s mass at approximately one hundred grams.

The inherent danger of SCP-XXXX is its ability to convert any organic matter it comes into contact with into graphite. From the point of contact, the conversion spreads similarly to gangrene, but at a highly accelerated rate of approximately two kilograms per minute. SCP-XXXX will proceed to consume this converted graphite if possible, usually before the victim has been fully converted. Testing has shown this process is painless, the conversion being described as a numbing sensation in the affected area. No method has been found that halts the conversion process other than complete removal of the affected area and surrounding tissue.