The Swarm
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An enlarged picture of an SCP-XXXX subject.

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures:SCP-XXXX is to be kept in at Site-XXXX-A in the city of █████ in Peru. Personnel are to enter and leave the cell through a scanning chamber, and must be checked with a thermal-imaging device before leaving. All ventilation systems must be covered with a thick layer of wire mesh, with gaps no bigger than 5 mm x 5 mm. All personnel working with SCP-XXXX must be outfitted with a standard beekeeping suit and gloves.

Description:SCP-XXXX is a swarm of roughly 50-100 flying, asexually-reproducing insects. Each insect is parasitic beetle approximately 10 mm x 15 mm x 5 mm in size that has chromatophores1 in their exoskeleton that allows them to blend in with their surroundings. They can connect organisms with a cardiovascular or a central nervous system to the swarm by latching onto them. The swarm moves as a group, occasionally sending out a member to scout for possible feeding sites.

SCP-XXXX is incapable of flying over long distances, and will attach to an organism for extended travel and to feed off the host's blood. SCP-XXXX must have direct skin contact, and cannot attach through shells or clothing. When attached, SCP-XXXX can supply an organism with recognized hormones and chemicals into the bloodstream. SCP-XXXX can also send electrical impulses along the nervous system, allowing to put the host into a mildly suggestive state to prevent discovery.

The insects can attach anywhere on the body, but appear to prefer areas next to a large artery. Once one of SCP-XXXX lands on a host, it will release kininases2 that prevent the host from detecting it. Once attached, it is difficult to differentiate a host from a non-host with only the human eye, but the insects will show up on thermal-imaging devices.

SCP-XXXX chooses only hosts with debilitating diseases or genetic disorders. Once attached, the conditions of the host greatly improve until full recovery or lessened symptoms. SCP-XXXX will only stay with a host until it is cured, or until the swarm moves to a different location. After SCP-XXXX detaches, the host will retain its health and will not relapse into its previous conditions. It's motives for its choice of hosts is currently unknown. (Addendum 3)

Due the the suggestive state SCP-XXXX creates, tested D-Class members have to be constantly encouraged to relate any information they can determine about SCP-XXXX. Several have reported being able to sense with the swarm in their thoughts. If a the host focuses hard enough, they can sometimes relate information they sense. (See interview 4-B and 4-D).

Addendum: __Test 1-H - 6/15/████

Procedure: In response to Agent ██████'s suggestion, the Foundation allowed SCP-XXXX to attach to a host. The host was then scanned with a thermal imaging camera.
Results: SCP-XXXX and the area within a radius of 50 mm appeared noticeably cooler than the surrounding area. The reason behind this effect is unknown.
Analysis: Thermal imaging is a viable option to detect SCP-XXXX's hosts. A scanning chamber will be constructed next to the containment area.

Addendum 2: SCP-XXXX is only capable of releasing hormones it knows. Dr. █████ was experimenting with SCP-XXXX's abilities to release chemicals into the bloodstream on D-3584, who is diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. SCP-XXXX did not respond at all during the experiment. In a later experiment, SCP-XXXX reorganized the glands in its jaw, and began to secrete insulin into D-3584's bloodstream. Dr. █████ theorized that perhaps SCP-XXXX learned to release insulin after encountering it in another subject.

Test 2-Q - 6/25/████

Procedure: SCP-XXXX was allowed to attach to ██████ ██████, an aplastic anemia patient awaiting stem cell transplants. SCP-XXXX did not release red blood cells, white blood cells, or platelets. After testing with another subject, SCP-XXXX was allowed to reattach to ██████.
Results: SCP-XXXX began to release red and white blood cells as well as platelets into the subjects bloodstream.
Analysis: SCP-XXXX learns how to create hormones and nutrients from hosts. It is unclear if SCP-XXXX is capable of remembering how to recreate these secretions (See Test 3-A), but this could prove useful in the medical field to help treat diseases and genetic disorders. Further testing to see how SCP-XXXX recreates hormones and nutrients is under way. (See Addendum 4) SCP-XXXX only learns hormones that it needs in order to keep a host alive. This explains why it did not previously know how to recreate substances like blood cells, something it should have encountered much earlier than our tests. It's previous hosts did not need blood cells to stay healthy and remain a viable host. Yet patient ██████ ██████ needed them to stay healthy. So when exposed to a new subject, SCP-XXXX saved this information for future reference.

Test 3-A - 6/12/████

Procedure: Three years after Test 2-Q, SCP-XXXX, having been kept in complete isolation, was allowed to attach to another aplastic anemia patient.
Results: SCP-XXXX was still capable of releasing blood cells and platelets into the bloodstream.
Analysis: SCP-XXXX is capable of remembering previously encountered chemicals.

Addendum 3 - Interview 4-B - 6/23/████

Subject: D-3956 (hosting SCP-XXXX)
Dr.████: Okay, let's do this. Can you seem to sense SCP-XXXX at all?
D-3956: Ummm, I think so-…. ugh, I dunno. If I think about it my brain just feels all fuzzy. What was the question again?
Dr.████: I asked if you could sense SCP-XXXX.
D-3956: Oh, yah… Umm, I dunno. It feels like something's there, but I just can't tell what it is… sorry, I keep spacing.
Dr.████: D-3956, could you please focus. Try to tell me anything you can about SCP-XXXX's presence.
D-3956: Uhhh, okay. I dunno. It feels like…. like there's something…. and…. ugh..(D-3956 begins to sweat mildly)… I just… I don't know..
Dr.████: What does you feel?
D-3956: Umm… it feels like it doesn't want to be discovered. It just wants to hide somewhere where they won't find it again…
Dr.████: Who?
D-3956: I dunno… umm… I…. I see lab coats….
Dr.████: And?
D-3956:Agh…. it hurts…. a lot. I don't want it to continue…
Dr.████: What to continue?

(D-3956 continue in a fit of despair and rage, constantly referring to SCP-XXXX as "he" or "him". Sedatives were administered promptly.)

Interview 4-C - 6/27/████

Subject: D-3956, host of SCP-XXXX
Dr.████: Okay, let's try this again… Last time you mentioned testing. Can you elaborate?
D-3956: Umm….. let me see…. uh, yah. I feel…. shocks…. electricity… poking… I don't know. It feels like they are tearing my mouth to shreds….. It hurts… bad….
Dr.████: Then what?
D-3956: Er….. I want it to end. I don't want it anymore…. something just snaps… Next thing I know, they're dead…. I'm moving down a hall….. lights are flashing… everybody's yelling, but I can't understand them… I just want them to leave me alone. No more pain. No more prodding. Can't they see how much it hurts?… They try capturing me again… but it's just too much…
Dr.████: So what happened?
D-3956: Uhhh…. its really bright…. I'm going outside… it's… a jungle? I dunno, there's trees. There's this metal thing behind me…. it seems like a bunker…. oh, I see…
Dr.████: What?… What do you see?
D-3956: Sorry, I just totally blanked again… umm… oh! It's a name… it's [Data Expunged].
Dr.████: Hmmm, so now what?
D-3956: I don't know…. Uh, I just know I'm done with this place…. I don't want anymore pain…… nobody should experience what I've been through ever again…..
Dr.████:……… Alright. Thank you for your time.
D-3956: … Sorry, what did you say? I spaced out for a second there…
SCP-XXXX will be stored at Site-XXXX-A near a general hospital owned by one of the Foundation's fronts in █████,████████. The containment area will be outfitted to look like a locked storage unit behind the hospital.

More notes!!! : 1) Give every scientific detail that helps tell the story; the Foundation is a meticulous organization. 2) Drop the clear-cut backstory. Let readers do the creating. Make a sympathetic character, not a summary of events. 3) Keep the addenda small, streamline it by having things explained in the description instead of in addenda. Addenda are for stories.