CreepyJokes2000 SCP-XXXX

Image of SCP-XXXX.

rating: 0+x

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: ???

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is contained in a 82x82 feet glom containment cell at site-17, anybody wishing to test or enter SCP-XXXX's container must be granted access by dr. ████. when SCP-XXXX is out of containment, SCP-XXXX is put in a human-sized box, with 4 sentinels bulwarking the box, if the box ever breaks, it must be reported to guards.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a human-sized pear appearance with a mouth, when SCP-XXXX is encounter with any creature or person, SCP-XXXX commences to bite on the creature and then victual it, medicos mostly wish to know more info on SCP-XXXX and to optically discern where this unknown creature emanated from.

SCP-XXXX-1 are the organs and muscles inside of SCP-XXXX causing the creature to live, breathe, and verbalize, 4 recording's of SCP-XXXX verbalizing have been preserved in the computers of the substructure.

SCP-XXXX was first found in 3/16/2007 in an unknown hill in salamanca, the giant pear was found by a 21-year-old man, the man reported SCP-XXXX to the foundation when SCP-XXXX endeavored to bite him.