CriticalMaas's Sandboxmania
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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be housed within a standard humanoid containment cell. The following alterations are to be made to the unit to accommodate SCP-XXXX:

  • Sink, toilet and bathing units from SCP-XXXX’s cell are not to directly connect to Site-XXXX’s standard waste disposal system; rather, all waste water and materials originating from SCP-XXXX’s cell are to undergo separate filtration and treatment to ensure all waste material has been removed before the water may be cycled into the standard system. All material accrued by this method is to be collected into Level-4 Bio-Containers, correctly labelled and then transferred to Site- ██ Long Term Bio-Storage, Bays 5-15.
  • All ventilation shafts leading to and from SCP-XXXX’s cell are to be fitted with filters designed to catch all skin debris ambient in the air. Filters are to be cleared during bi-weekly cleaning of SCP-XXXX’s cell, with the resultant matter collected into Level-4 Bio-Containers, correctly labelled and then transferred to Site- ██ Long Term Bio-Storage, Bays 5-15.

All queries and proposed changes to containment procedures to be dealt with by Researcher Wintergreen.
SCP-XXXX is to receive standard nutritional rations and medical attention appropriate to a human male of its age and health profile. All staff required to interact directly with SCP-XXXX, its waste materials or its immediate environment are required to wear Level-4 Bio-Enclosures. During bi-weekly cleaning of SCP-XXXX’s cell, SCP-XXXX is to be heavily sedated, at which time any required physical maintenance (cutting of hair, shaving, etc.) is to be carried out, and any matter thus accrued is to be collected and, together with all matter collected during cleaning, placed into Level-4 Bio-Containers, correctly labelled and then transferred to Site- ██ Long-Term Bio-Storage, Bays 5-15. All staff who make direct physical contact with SCP-XXXX, its waste materials or its immediate environment without proper safety measures must report immediately to Site- ██ Medical Wing for complete examination.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a human male, 1.78m in height and weighing 52.2kg. Due to SCP-XXXX’s mental difficulties and its lifestyle prior to containment, exact information regarding its age and background has proved difficult to establish; however, an approximate age of 50-55 years has been arrived at through medical testing. Prior to containment, SCP-XXXX had been subsisting as a vagrant in the city of [REDACTED], [REDACTED], and exhibits numerous health issues associated with a long-term homeless lifestyle, as well as symptoms of extended nicotine, alcohol and opiate use and dependence.

SCP-XXXX's anomalous property manifests as an ability to receive coherent sensory information from any biological matter excreted or otherwise removed from its body; this effect extends, but is not limited, to blood, saliva, sweat, urine, hair, faeces, tissue samples, dead skin fragments and [REDACTED]. This matter has proved to be extremely sensitive to any and all manipulation, with anything but the gentlest pressure eliciting an extreme pain response from SCP-XXXX, neurologically identical to reactions to physical trauma. The exact mechanism of SCP-XXXX's ability to receive sensory input from matter no longer physically connected to its nervous system is poorly understood, though testing has been carried out to assess the extent and limitations of SCP-XXXX’s anomalous property. See Testing Logs XXXX-1 for further information. Physiological examination has provided no insights, with SCP-XXXX's only deviations from species norm being a noticeable enlargement of brain areas implicated in the ascending pain pathway (thalamus, hypothalamus, etc.) and a lack of cortical damage usually found in those experiencing prolonged chronic physical pain.

Psychiatric evaluation of SCP-XXXX has led to a diagnosis of severe catatonic schizophrenia, with thought delusions focused around the attempts of others to steal or otherwise gain possession of SCP-XXXX’s waste material. As is common among sufferers of catatonic schizophrenia, SCP-XXXX alternates between ‘passive’ periods of near-comatose stillness and immobility and ‘active’ periods of intense agitation and exaggerated motion. Although physically capable of speech, SCP-XXXX is largely non-verbal, only vocalising when experiencing extreme distress. However, if provided with writing materials, during ‘active’ periods SCP-XXXX will constantly and obsessively log its bodily sensations, changes in bodily function and its sensations from its extraneous matter, neglecting this activity only to eat, sleep or attend to its physical needs. It is important to note that due to its anomalous property, SCP-XXXX exhibits extreme aversion to excretion of waste, and will engage in starvation and avoidance of excretion to this end. IV nutrition and a regimen of laxatives is approved if and when these episodes occur. Both pharmacological and psychotherapeutic treatments have thus far failed to alleviate any of SCP-XXXX’s psychological symptoms. It is currently unknown whether SCP-XXXX’s mental health issues represent a psychological response to its anomalous property and possible coping mechanism used to deal with large amounts of distressing incoming sensory information, or than a component of SCP-XXXX’s anomalous property in and of themselves.

Addendum XXXX-1

Investigation currently underway into the slightly increased rate of mental health complaints among staff attached to SCP-XXXX when compared with Foundation baseline for Euclid-assigned staff. Decreased assignment time for staff to SCP-XXXX pending Site-██ Senior Staff approval – Researcher Wintergreen, ██/██/199█.