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Item #: SCP-!!!

Object Class: [Pending]

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-!!!-a is to be housed in a Type 2 humanoid containment chamber retrofitted with a waste disposal/delivery unit built to the specifications denoted in document !!!-B-1.
SCP-!!!-b is currently housed in Type 1 standard humanoid containment in Site-19 and has been made exempt from D-Class duties. SCP-!!!-b is not to participate in SCP research and is not to be terminated for any reason, including any circumstance in which Protocol 12 may be enacted.
Further research regarding SCP-!!! has been deemed unnecessary and potentially dangerous. As such all testing with either subject has been discontinued indefinitely. Any interaction with SCP-!!!-b outside of standard care and regular psychiatric evaluation must first be approved by Dr. Walker and overseen by at least two members of security personnel armed with instantaneous paralytic agent dart guns. Interaction with SCP-!!!-a is restricted until further notice.
All information gathered from SCP-!!!-a regarding future events is to be documented and considered valid until such a time that it can be authenticated or invalidated. This information is restricted to personnel with level 4/!!! clearance. Breaching this information will result in the use of amnestics on all personnel involved and immediate reassignment of the individual or individuals responsible.
Staff are to keep in mind that ZK-Reality Failure can reasonably be assumed should the continued existence of either SCP-!!!-a or -b become threatened or should [REDACTED]1 be unable to occur. As such the preservation of both subjects is to be considered priority above the preservation and safety of Foundation property, personnel and, at the discretion of staff, other SCP objects.
