
Item:SPC-1692 enigma-rotor.jpg

Object Class: Safe

Safe Containment Procedures:Subject is to be kept in the room of the Head Researcher of Subject-1692: Dr.████. Subject poses no threat other than groups of interest willing to get a hold of it, and not to mention the fact that if the world knew about it, people would be trying to change the future, and something worse would happen. Such only Dr.████ and people with Level 5 clearance can view Subject-1692.

Description: Subject-1692 is a typewriter inside a wooden suitcase. Subject-1692, however, cannot be typed by any external force, as it types by itself. It is unknown how it manages to do this, as there is no form of rust on the keys, yet it becomes unable to type when any external force tries to punch in the keys. Subject-1692 also seems to have an infinite supply of paper. As when it writes, the subject could type in from 1 sentence on a paper-up to 50 pages of paragraphs. All of the paper typed has shown to predict some kind of future event. In 99.95% of these cases, it is correct. However, it seems that, generally, when people gain knowledge of such events, they will attempt to change the "bad" events and make into a "good" one. This results in an even worse situation(sometimes, rarely, do they become better) as it creates a paradox, where the event was supposed to happen but didn't with unforeseen consequences. Such as Project Lux in 1936, where Hitler was planning to invade Luxemborg first, but didn't one his commanding officers advised him not to. This was because the commanding officers were officers since before WWI, where they discovered Subject-1692, where they used it as a joke for their amusement. However, each one of the predictions came true, much to the officers' horror. Before Project Lux, Subject-1692 predicted that Germany would fall if they attempted this attack. This was mostly due to Germany's army not being prepared at the time, and France and UK were at the time, military powers in Europe. The commanding officers pointed out these faults and as a result, Hitler cancelled it, and went to prepare his army for next time, causing WWII. If Hitler attempted Project Lux, predictions run, only 1-2 million people would have died compared to 85 million in WWII. After WWII, The Foundation sent a task force to contain Subject-1692. Subject was found in Germany, Berlin,.████ in █/█/194█. After containment, tests were run.

Test Log-A__

Subject: SPC-1692

Procedure: Dr.████████ will take a paper that the subject typed and see later if it's correct.

Dr.████████, *takes paper subject typed*

Dr.████████, *reads* At 5:00 PM, today there will be a containment breach of SPC-173.

After Reading the paper, measures were immediately implemented to prevent any breach of SPC-173.

Results: Predictions were correct but SPC-173 was immediately contained with no deaths and █ injuries.

Analysis: Subject-1692 seems to be useful to predict containment breaches. However, only personal with Level 5 clearance will take the predictions as in case Subject makes a prediction in one of the personal's personal lives which might cause them to try to change them resulting in worse situations. However,ALL CONTAINMENT BREACHES PREDICTIONS are to be handled to 05 council immediately and to put special containment awareness breaches.