
Item #: SCP-2888

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2$^@ IS to be Kept INESW A [DATA DENIED] HOLDING C((ELL.. Personnel require a Level 5 security clea#%@nce to access S%P-2888's containment@%@R Prison. Prison. Prison. Personnel without permission to be inside SCP-%$#^ Prison#$^# ARE KILLED WHEN I SAY SO. Are to be terminated on the spot. SCP-2888%@%^&&^ I DECIDE WHAT YOU GETTTt TO SEE. Details about SCP-2888 Is not to be talked about or written about under any circumstances.

Description: YOU HEARD THE CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES! [DATA FUCKING EXPUNGED] I talk about me whenever I please. So lets talk about me. I am a spectral entity made of pure energy. I am practically a god. I decide just about anything. I decide what people see. What people don't see and how they grow up looking. For instance. I know who is reading this right now. Turn around. I am behind you. Did you see me? Of course not. why? Because when you looked behind yourself, I was in front of your computer. Crazy right? Right now I am at the foundation. How did they catch me? Because that was what was supposed to happen! I would blow the whole foundation up. However that was not supposed to happen. How do I know this? Because I have a rule book. A ten trillion page book of what's supposed to and what's not supposed to happen. Like perhaps you, Larry Tanna. You are going to Die in four years. I am the truth. Thats all you guys need to know.