
Item #: SCP-2029

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Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2029 is to be contained in an airtight 6 m x 6 m x 6 m cube made up of reinforced, soundproofed steel. Weekly checks for cracks or holes are mandatory. There are to be no auditory sensors or tools of any kind inside SCP-2029's containment chamber. Video surveillance cameras are pre-installed to ensure the presence of SCP-2029 inside the chamber.

Any and all auditory clips, or recordings of SCP-2029's voice are strictly forbidden without approval from Dr. ███ and 05-█.

Description:SCP-2029 is a humanoid creature measuring around 2.14 meters in height. Subject shows malnutrition. The skin of SCP-2029 is clear of any signs of body hair, along with barely any pigmentation.

SCP-2029's arms can stretch to three (3) times its normal length. Most parts of its body resemble that of an average human. SCP-2029 shows no signs of higher brain functions, and is not considered to be sapient.

SCP-2029 is normally docile, with video surveillance indicating it paces in an abstract pattern towards the southern wall. When someone enters SCP-2029's field of view SCP-2029 begins to start to stretch out its arms and begin to cry and scream incoherently. After ██ to ██ seconds SCP-2029 will begin to show signs of increased brain activity and begin to chase after the person it has seen. After which the person who was seen by SCP-2029 will now be referred to as SCP-2029-3.

Documented speeds have been recorded anywhere from ██ km/h to ███ km/h. It seems to depend on how far the distance is between SCP-2029 and SCP-2029-3. SCP-2029 seems to always know where SCP-2029-3 is due to a very keen sense of smell. There seems to be absolutely nothing that can stop SCP-2029 from chasing SCP-2029-3.

Upon nearing the location of SCP-2029-3, SCP-2029 will begin to use its lengthened arms to grab and screech at the target. When doing so it sprays pathogens and other bacteria onto SCP-2029-3. The bacteria and pathogens will be referred to as SCP-2029-2. After screeching at point blank range onto SCP-2029-3, SCP-2029 will let go of the victim and begin to start calming down and proceed to sit down and become once again docile.

Upon the course of several days, SCP-2029-3 will start to show signs of mental degradation. SCP-2029-3 is to be monitored at all times, and any request to be terminated must be denied without permission from Dr. ███. SCP-2029-3 will start to loose their freedom of thought, as they start to show signs of insanity, paranoia, and [DATA REDACTED] SCP-2029-2 will start borrowing into the brain of SCP-2029-3. SCP-2029-2 will start to eat away the brain of SCP-2029-3. Surgical attempts to remove SCP-2029-2 have failed and resulted in a more rapid process of mental degradation or resulted in SCP-2029-3 to begin [DATA REDACTED]