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A picture of the front page of SCP-2798-J.

Item #: SCP-2798-J

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2798-J should be checked via computer every █ hours for any change in content. The content from this object should not be shared with any friends via social medias, emails, or text messages. The object should be observed by admin for any new content that could either jeopardize the Foundation or lower the reputation of the Foundation in the eyes of others.

It is suggested that this object should not be spoken of in public or be shared with anybody without proper clearence. Comments and ballots of its content should not be allowed to anybody who does not have a proper clearence and/or is not a member of the Foundation.

Description: SCP-2798-J is a website named "SCP Foundation" and holds many articles of content based on the organisms held by the Foundation. The website has a logo that is made of two rings, one around the other, with three arrows poiting towards the center of the inner ring, with the three arrows touching the inner ring. The creators of this website are unknown as well as when it was created, but our best programmers are working to find this information.

When the website was first found, it was labeled as a security breach, as the whole website had allowed information on the organisms the Foundation holds to be seen by the public. Quickly a filter was made to block the world from seeing the website and researchers could analyze how much information the website held.

An amazing anomalous effect happens when one reads a single article on a subject, the reader becomes obsessed with reading through the articles, reading more and more until they find themselves awake at █ AM still reading posts. Our greatest researchers still have not been able to escape from this effect as well as see all the information the website has to offer. I recommend reading SCP-1425, SCP-504, and SCP-1370, they're amazing! All articles on the website should not be observed during free time, only researchers with proper clearance should be viewing these articles, and only when appointed to. At no other time should these articles be accessed.1

The website held information on every organism and object we have collected since the beginning, researchers are still unsure how citizens of D-Class level were able to find this information. The website held information on SCP-1425, SCP-1370, and even SCP-610.Precautions have been placed to make sure another public domain like this will never be made again: Foundation Security is searching through every researcher's belongings to find a mole, D-Class subjects are all being terminated by the end of the day, and letters, emails, text messages, and social media posts are being monitored. To protect the world from fear, this website will be blocked off, but will still run, only accessible by higher clearences.2