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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX-1 is to be contained in a standard Safe Class containment locker. That locker is to be located at least 20m from any sleeping quarters. Researchers are advised to be fully awake and alert within the objects area of effect.

Description: SCP-XXXX-1 is a dream catcher charm not fitting the traditional style of any known Native American tribe. Testing puts the objects manufacture to some time in the early 1400's. The object is composed of the bone, sinew, and feathers of an unknown species of bird. Genetic analysis so far is inconclusive, showing similarities to the bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis), and [DATA EXPUNGED].

The objects anomalous properties manifest when a subject enters REM sleep while either in the same room or within 10m of the object. When this happens, the object enters its active state, emitting a faint white light undetectable by any electronic equipment including spectrometers, security cameras, and IR/UV detectors.

After waking, subjects complain of nightmares of something chasing them with intent to kill, henceforth referred to as SCP-XXXX-2 . The setting is invariably in a conifer forest in an indeterminate location. Subjects are unable to identify the exact nature of SCP-XXXX-2 but can only state their level of fear and the certain knowledge of death if they are caught. Subjects also claim to be accompanied by a second entity (dubbed SCP-XXXX-3), running with them. Subjects brought into SCP-XXXX-1's area of effect while already in REM sleep do not report any of these effects, nor will the object enter its active state.

SCP-XXXX-3's appearance varied from subject to subject, but always follows the same pattern of being the opposite gender of the dreamer, being the same race as the dreamer, and being armed with what's been identified as a pipe tomahawk. During these dreams the subject eventually bonds with SCP-XXXX-3, relying on it for support, knowledge, and companionship. The entity shares the dreamer's fear of SCP-XXXX-2, and constantly reassures and encourages the dreamer to not give up. Subjects report an instant bond with the entity, and report that it almost makes the dreams fun, adventurous, even pleasurable at times

If removed from the object's effect radius before six periods of sleep, no further effects will manifest to the subject. Subjects will express feelings of depression at the loss of their "Dream Companion," but it has been determined a natural effect. However, if the subject falls asleep a seventh time with the object, the light emitted by SCP-XXXX-1 will turn red when active. The subjects will still have nightmares with increasing levels of dreamt threat, but the companion entity will fail to appear. Subjects state that the entity just vanished, leaving no trace that it ever was there. Following this event, the subject will no longer have to sleep near the object to experience its effects, and become an instance of SCP-XXXX-A.

Instances of SCP-XXXX-A will actively resist falling asleep, and will go to great lengths to ensure they remain awake. If an instance does fall asleep, they will experience significantly worse nightmares, and will not wake up unless influenced to do so by an outside source. Instances report that the overall feeling of the dreams is now much worse than before, and that SCP-XXXX-2 is much closer than before. This fact induces a state of panic in the subject whenever it's brought up, requiring at least three guards to subdue.

Instances also show a severe fear of abandonment. Instances will attempt to latch on to the nearest person as their companion, and become sullen and withdrawn when that person leaves their presence. Leaving any SCP-XXXX-A alone for more than a few hours will severely impact their mental health, and has been known to cause them create an 'imaginary friend,' vocalizing for both itself, and its mental companion.

If a subject manages to stay awake for 96 hours (approx. 4 days), they will cease being an instance of SCP-XXXX-A. However, if an instance sleeps for more than 12 hours total, it will expire. Expired instances of SCP-XXXX-A invariably die of cardiac arrest, or in rare cases, cerebral hemorrhage.

Recovery Log SCP-XXXX-1 was recovered in a cave on Mount [DATA REDACTED] by a group of hikers taking shelter from a rain storm. The cave was covered in Pre-Columbian pictures and iconography relating to no known tribe or tribal deities. The object itself was found hanging on the rearmost wall of the cave. Interestingly, no markings were on that wall.