DividingAshes Idea 2

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid (Request SCP-XXXX reclassification to Keter awaiting approval after incident XXXX-I

Special Containment Procedures: Site 304 was built in a far deep section in Wonder Caves in the Richtersveld region, South Africa, in order to contain SCP-XXXX due to its massive size and aggressive nature making it impossible to transport. The entrance to Site 304 is sealed off by various rocks and debris left over from operation ██████, which created a controlled explosion to the cave's ceiling. A tunnel was dug through the debris with steel beam support and walling for structural safety and to help disguise the site away from the public. No less then 16 guards should be attending the site at all times, with 2 to 4 guards attending the entrance disguised as park rangers to redirect tourists and other unauthorized personnel away from the site. Past the Debris-made wall and tunnel is a solid steel structure built to further contain SCP-XXXX as well as to aid in research purposes in safety, with several observation decks looking over a massive underground ravine, Where SCP-XXXX inhabits.

An adult cow is to be placed within the site twice a week to accommodate its feeding behavior. Request has been sent to officials to start feeding with elephants, to suite a more natural habitat for SCP-XXXX, though has not yet been approved.

In case of containment breach, or attempt at containment breach: Armed forces are to be equipped with either 50. Cal round sniper rifles, tranquilizer guns, and m84 stun grenades with priority to deter SCP-XXXX back into site 304. If SCP-XXXX cannot be re-contained, permission for neutralization of SCP-XXXX is granted. Person are advised to not make direct eye contact with SCP-XXXX

Description: SCP-XXXX is a large reptilian serpent. The size of the creature hasn't been measured accurately due to various factors including environmental and lethal nature. It has been estimated to be between 90-105 meters long, and around 15 meters in diameter. Keeled, plate-like, and rigid scales measuring 18-25 inches in length around the body, except for the underside. These scales are green with several striped patterns of black. The underside of SCP-XXXX is made up of scutes and likely function in the same way snakes maneuver. SCP-XXXX's skull has several horns and appears to posses a pair of 3 meter long curved fangs that likely contain venom, though no known sample was ever taken. The eyes of SCP-XXXX are crimson with black slits for pupils, in an identical make-up to a snake's eyes, only with the difference in color. At the very end of the tail a barbed triangular protrusion believed to be made mostly of keratin is attached to the tip, measuring around 8 meters in length.

SCP-XXXX's level of intelligence is unknown. Despite having what seems like an instinct driven behavior for most of its observations and lack of communications, it is believed to be non-sapient (See Incident XXXX-I). However SCP-XXXX has a unique behavior related to its anomalous property. Whenever the presence of a human is detected by SCP-XXXX, it will stalk an individual human in a slow matter. Despite its massive size SCP-XXXX can move around the walls, cieling, and various rocky structures within the site with both flexibility and in silence. SCP-XXXX will continue to stalk the individual for 40 minutes to an hour, often making echoing sounds within the site ranging from distant and faint hisses, screeches, purposely knocking over stone structures and surfaces. Afterwards, SCP-XXXX will start to get closer to the individual until it gets within 5 meters, in which case it will often make its presence known first by the individual. SCP-XXXX will try to stare into the eyes of the individual, and when doing so its eyes turn stone grey. If an individual makes direct eye contact with SCP-XXXX while the eyes have changed to this color, the individual will almost instantly petrify into a stone-like statue. If individual avoids eye contact or attempts to flee, SCP-XXXX will give chase and continue to try and petrify the individual. This chasing can last for hours, and will eventually lead SCP-XXXX to attempt to cripple the individual in some way such as breaking its legs. However despite how long these chases take SCP-XXXX will not kill the individual in any other matter. Interestingly SCP-XXXX usually appears to use this ability to humans, as it will consume other animals that enter the site in a more normal instinctual behavior. However a few non-human instances of scp-XXXX-1 have been recorded

Victims that have been petrified are labeled instances of SCP-XXXX-1. After the individual becomes SCP-XXXX-1, SCP-XXXX will carry the instance by wrapping its tail around the individual, and place the SCP-XXXX-1 instant in a more reclusive section of the site, where multiple other instances have been seen positioned in different poses. Only four of the SCP-XXXX-1 instances are from the SCP foundation, with 1 instant recovered and currently under study by the foundation. Testing shown that the entire outer body of instances of SCP-XXXX-1 are composed of a hardened carbon substance that resembles stone. Thermal scan shows that instances of SCP-XXXX-1 may still be alive due to heat signatures and no signs of decay to the body, which X-rays have later shown remain intact beneath the skin. However since all biological instances of SCP-XXXX-1 appear to be frozen, it is believed that if they are somehow alive they are most likely in a comatose-like state.

Samples of SCP-XXXX were successfully retrieved from instances of SCP-XXXX-2, which are instances of shed skin left over from SCP-XXXX. SCP-XXXX appears to shed its skin, in the same matter as snakes and lizards, every 2 months. Usual skin casts remain 50-87% intact, however on rare occasions SCP-XXXX-2 instances with 99% intact have been observed. The dead scales of SCP-XXXX-2 have bone filaments inter-joined with the scales, similar to some monitor lizards. Testing the strength of said scales have shown to be somewhat stronger and more durable then iron, however were successfully broken with steel tools. Since the molted scales are thin and worn out, it is suggested that the actual hide of SCP-XXXX may actually be stronger then what we can observe.

Test XXXX-A-1
Date:: ██/██/2014
Procedure: Standard drone was sent in to get better survey of site 304's interior and study behavior of SCP-XXXX
Results: Estimate of the main secluded area of Site 304 is estimated to be an almost perfect square, albeit littered with massive stalactites and other natural cave structures. Some Stalactites and stalagmites have been measured to a height of 1.9 kilometers. The cave has an estimated room of 3.5 kilometers in all dimensions, with the ceiling being 1.3 kilometers below sea level. The floor possess mountain-like stalagmites, with various flat sections and water filled trenches that range from small streams to large rivers. A deep underground lake, with an approximate depth of an additional kilometer below the initial site's floor, also shaped like a square, is located at the far left corner. Stone-like statues were discovered in various positions, some of which speculated to have been moved by SCP-XXXX. Statues were later classified as SCP-XXXX-1 after observation. Most of the discovered statues were of human origin, though there were single instances of an African Elephant, a lion, a woolly mammoth, and a petrified specimen believed to be that of a Spinosaurus Segyptiacus have been identified, suggesting that SCP-XXXX has existed for a great extant, though exactly how long has yet to be determined.

SCP-XXXX has been observed slithering amongst the ceiling, than through several 'trails' between the floor, and finally was observed submerging into the underground lake at 16:55, and didn't appear to resurface. During observation, SCP-XXXX didn't appear to notice, or didn't care of the drone.

Test XXXX-A-2
Date:: ██/██/2014
Procedure: Remote Diver module ██████ was sent in via drone into the lake system to validate its squared enclosure and to ensure no escape routes were present for SCP-XXXX.
Results: Squared dimensions were confirmed, and there were no escapes or underwater tunnels for SCP-XXXX to hide into. SCP-XXXX was observed in a dormant state beneath the water, coiled up with its entire body across almost the entire visible surface of the lake's bed. Retrieval via drone of Remote Diver module ██████ successful without incident.

Test XXXX-A-3
Date:: ██/██/2014
Procedure: A cow was brought into the site in attempts to feed SCP-XXXX, to validate it had a biological digestive track and did in fact consume meat.
Results: SCP-XXXX's upper body appeared visible in the darkness of the cave in all observation decks. SCP-XXXX seemed to be coiled around a stalactite as it lowered down further to the unsuspecting cow. After lowering itself 20 meters above the prey item, SCP-XXXX lunged its upper body and swallowed the cow specimen whole in under 4 seconds. Afterwards SCP-XXXX's eyes seem to stare at the sealed steel wall and observation decks for 62 seconds before retreated further into the darkness of the ceiling.

Test XXXX-A-4
Date:: ██/██/2015
Subject: D-8756
Equipment: High powered standard survival Flashlight, Camera attached to shoulder, microphone for communication.
Procedure: D-8756 was sent briefed that he was exploring a massive underground cave, with no context of SCP-XXXX. Test was made to study how SCP-XXXX would interact with a human subject, and more importantly how it was able to make statues.
Results: SCP-XXXX remained undetected due to the cave's size and lack of any lightning other then from the observation deck and flashlight. Sounds believed to be from SCP-XXXX began to occur after 7 minutes of being within the cave. Sounds varied from low hisses and short screeches, to the crunching of rock structures and loud thuds. These sounds echoed due to the cave's structure, which put D-8756 in discomfort. After 40 minutes of walking within the cave, D-8756 was in great distress, and would rapidly look around as he made his way back to the gate. SCP-XXXX finally appeared to slither near the gate, in between the observation deck and D-8756. D-8756 was mostly looking towards his back as he drew closer to the gate, at once he got within 30 meters of gate, SCP-XXXX came into his view from rapidly moving out of a large stalagmite structure, with its eyes fixed on D-8756. D-8756 began to scream in terror before SCP-XXXX's eyes changed into a stone-grey hue, in which afterwards D-8756's screams began to stifle, though increased in distress. Since the scene could be viewed from the observation decks, researched reported that the petrification processed happened almost instant, with the hands, feet, and center torso seemingly turning to stone, and would spread in a similar fashion to ice over water, with the panicking head being the last to freeze. The effects of SCP-XXXX does not appear to work through cameras. SCP-XXXX would then wrap its barbed tail around D-8756, who was now an instance of SCP-XXXX-1, and was brought to the stop of a flatten stalagmite, placed where its frightened upward-facing look stared at the gate. SCP-XXXX would then stare and seem to look at the new instance of SCP-XXXX-1 at different angles before slithering off.

Test XXXX-A-5
Date:: ██/██/2015
Procedure: Drone was sent to retrieve biological samples of SCP-XXXX for study.
Results: Drone was successful in retrieving a shed skin cast 55% intact, and a 200 liter sample of feces. Samples currently being studied and analysed at ████████ biological research center, ████. Shed samples now classified as SCP-XXXX-2

Test XXXX-A-6
Date:: ██/██/2015
Procedure: Unique properties of durability for SCP-XXXX-2 were identified in ████████ biological research center, ████, and was put to the test with several tools and weaponry.
Results: SCP-XXXX-2 proved unaffected by use of most weapons, however a .50 cal bullet was able to chip a few of the scales and make a small 10 mm hole in the cast. Sample of SCP-XXXX-2 was then tried to be cut by an iron hacksaw, which broke the tool after 2 minutes of attempt, with no damage reported to SCP-XXXX-2. Sample was then tried to be cut via surgical laser, however again proved unaffected, suggesting that SCP-XXXX has an unusually high heat resistance. SCP-XXXX-2 was finally severed by a stronger surgical tool, but took 20 minutes to finally cut through.

Addendum: After incident XXXX-I, it is concluded that SCP-XXXX is sapient and can speak. However all attempts at communicating with SCP-XXXX as of now have proven useless as even when SCP-XXXX is near the gate of site 304, SCP-XXXX shows to be unresponsive. Damages made by SCP-XXXX, which were mostly dented steel walls, were repaired and have been reinforced.