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Adult specimen of SCP-XXXX

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Specimens of SCP-XXXX are to be kept in a containment chamber designed to mimic the environment of their natural habitat, including transplanted foliage, controlled temperature and humidity, and occasional activation of sprinkler system to simulate rainfall. When needed for testing, standard radiation protection suits are to be worn to prevent bites and exposure to specimen radioactivity. Specimens in containment are to be provided with a stable of five individual mammals- preferably deer- one at a time for feeding; these animals are to be rotated once every two days to allow for replenishment of the blood supply. A full rotation should allow eight days between two-day feeding periods, giving each animal time to purge the enzymes from infection from their system and recover from the relatively minor blood loss. Feeding animals are to be replaced as necessary; gradual attrition from radiation exposure is to be expected; carcass radioactivity is to be measured and recorded during disposal- an increase in radioactivity must be reported immediately.

Outside of research specimens, the breeding grounds for wild specimens of SCP-XXXX- namely, the valley bordered by Холат-Сяхыл’s eastern slope to the west and surrounding the easternmost end of the Auspiya River in Russia, are to be purged once every three months through a joint venture with the Russian military. Access to the valley comprising the only currently identified wild population of SCP-XXXX has been arranged with the Russian government, and full cooperation is to be expected from the provided forces. Standard radiation protection suits are to be used to prevent bites by instances of SCP-XXXX and exposure to radiation. Bitten individuals are to be detained in isolation for seven days and treated for radiation exposure before release; agents are then to be removed from SCP-XXXX duties and reassigned.

Note: This clause is not a “get out of Russia free” card. Effective immediately, personnel reassigned as a result of a failure to follow safety protocol are to be immediately detailed to SCP-198 guard duty to reinforce the importance of safety adherence- or else to provide an object example of Darwinism in action.

Any specimen of SCP-XXXX within 10km of the central breeding site are to be destroyed; instances found outside this area are to be tracked via radioactivty signatures until they return to the main site or expose the location of the additional breeding site. Discovery of any new breeding sites are to be accompanied by taking of specimens from the general population, followed by initiation of purge procedures and establishment of containment protocol relative to the new site.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a reproductively isolated hybrid of Calyptra thalictri and Acherontia lachesis most easily identified by the appearance of a “death’s head” mark on the back of an otherwise typical Calyptra thalictri. The SCP-XXXX breeding grounds were discovered in the Ural Mountains, 4km east of initial contact point, and are the main staging ground for continuing attempts to fully contain the species. The species releases significant amounts of radioactivity, which- while inherently dangerous- is convenient in respect to tracking and locating specimens.

While bites are, as with Calyptra thalictri, harmless to humans and normal for the parent species, SCP-XXXX bites release an enzyme into the bloodstream that causes a marked decrease in emotional stability and causes the infected to become extremely perceptive of the negative emotions of those around them. The reaction also increases blood flow to the skin, causing flushing and the perception of drastically increased warmth in the environment. Paranoia, hysteria and unwarranted violence are all typical responses to infection, and compulsive removal of clothing to compensate for the perceived increase in temperature is also common. Following the infection period, mild emotional instability or paranoia is common over a period of two months, as is typical of emotional trauma. Research into engineering the enzyme to minimize radioactive and emotional side effects and isolate the empathic component is promising.

Addendum: Initial contact involved nine publically recorded fatalities before being intercepted by Foundation personnel and required significant media interference to suppress. The public retains a significant interest in the incident and leaks in security protocol have lead to exposure of the radioactivity remaining in the clothing of the deceased. The existence of SCP-XXXX remains secure for the time being, but discretion is strongly advised in all operations relating to SCP-XXXX. Monitoring of civilian theories on Incident D2259P is to continue, and interference in any activity threatening to expose the existence of SCP-XXXX is authorized.