Doctor Judias Clark2

Item #: SCP-3445
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3123 must be kept within a small aluminum box about .5 meters wide with 3 layers of insulational plastics.
Description: SCP-3445 is a small blue crystalline structure appearing similar to Copper Sulfide crystals. The SCP creates an expansive pathway with lightly colored microscopic structures between crystals 4 cm wide and 7 cm high. This spreads on all surfaces regardless of what it’s chemical composition, heat or lack of such, or anything else about it is.

3445 spreads infectiously covering any and all surfaces it has access to, organic or not. Organic beings covered often become paralyzed once in a state of equilibrium in balance. They remain conscious until 3445 reaches their head. Beings that are infected can be saved if they are rid of all of the larger crystals. So can all surfaces be brought back to normal upon destruction of the larger crystals.

3445 moves at a rate of about 1 meter every 10 minutes. It seems that the chemical composition is not recordable, but still appears to consist of electrons, neutrons, and protons, being reminiscent of a heavy copper sulfide, excessively heavy at that.

Addendum 3445-1: SCP-3445 dug up by group of Geologists working on Mt.█████. SCP spread unnoticeably until most workers in the camp ended up dead by coverage by SCP-3445. Foundation was alerted by the noticeable change on a satellite image. Proceeding to contain a sample, and destroying all else in the area with excessive napalm.

Addendum 3445-2: SCP-3445 breaches containment during inspection and covers the full interior of its room, and through the open door. This went forward until Doctor ████ ran towards the spreading infection, spraying a fire extinguisher onto anything he saw. This turned out to succeed surprisingly and has brought in investigation on what can injure the SCP.

Addendum 3445-3: Various chemicals applied different ways were used to see what is resistant or can remove areas of SCP-3445. It is already known to take over any subject it can get on top of.
Known delaying agents : Liquid Nitrogen, Green Tea, Electrocution, Submergance into water.
Known destruction agents : Napalm, Blunt force to large crystals.
Known instigating agents: Quantities of powdered potassium, and paper.