Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be kept in a cell with 3.8 m square dimensions on ground level, adequate ventilation, a shower, toilet, and a sink. Cells adjacent to SCP-XXXX are to be empty unless being used for testing on SCP-XXXX. Placement of a bed within the chamber of SCP-XXXX is still under review. Two (2) male security officers are to be present outside the chamber door of SCP-XXXX, and SCP-XXXX is only to be fed by male personnel. All male Foundation personnel entering the chamber of SCP-XXXX require Level 3 Security Clearance. Female personnel are not allowed within the chamber (See Addendum SCP-XXXXf).

SCP-XXXX is currently kept in Site-17.

Description: SCP-XXXX appears to be a human female of Middle-Eastern descent. SCP-XXXX is approximately 175 cm (5'9") tall. SCP-XXXX appears to have a negative disposition towards other human females, and will begin verbally abusing any human female upon realizing their presence. This behavior will continue to escalate in intensity for as long as the female subject remains present. Prolonged exposure to the female subject exceeding █ hours will result in aggressive behavior and homicidal tendencies toward the female subject from SCP-XXXX.

When the presence of a male is introduced, subject is overcome with a sense of fear, and will attempt to avoid the male, favoring distance over protection from material objects such as doors and walls. After exactly 23 minutes of continuous exposure to SCP-XXXX, male subjects will appear flushed, then will visibly age at approximately 2.3 years per minute. SCP-XXXX will enter a relaxed state during this exposure. Male subject will continue to age until ███ years of age, far beyond the normal human lifespan. Male subject will expire shortly after reaching this age.

SCP-XXXX does not appear to sleep and therefore does not require a bed. Inducing sleep in SCP-XXXX is still under review.

Addendum SCP-XXXXa: SCP-XXXX contained in a 20 m chamber with a 3 m ceiling. D-██████, 28 years of age, introduced to SCP-XXXX. SCP-XXXX displayed frightened behavior and avoided D-██████ After 23 minutes of exposure to SCP-XXXX, D-██████ experienced flushed symptoms and started aging at the normal rate. D-██████ was instructed to steadily increase distance from SCP-XXXX. At 3.5 m distance from SCP-XXXX, D-██████ stated that he no longer felt flushed. SCP-XXXX moved to new chamber with 3.8 m square dimensions.

Addendum SCP-XXXXb: D-█████, male 28 years of age, introduced to SCP-XXXX. D-█████ removed from chamber after reaching approximate age of ██ years. D-█████ complained of back pain. D-█████ was asked several questions following exposure. D-█████ showed recollection of memories that were at the time confirmed to be false. When asked the time frame that these memories occurred, D-█████ stated that [REDACTED].

Addendum SCP-XXXXc: D-██████, male 30 years of age, and D-█████, male 32 years of age, introduced to SCP-XXXX. Both D-Class personnel experienced flushed symptoms simultaneously, and were then removed shortly after. D-██████ and D-█████ placed in two separate cells adjacent to SCP-XXXX, D-█████ being closer proximity as SCP-XXXX was sitting against the neighboring wall. Both D-Class personnel experienced flushed symptoms after the 23 minutes elapsed.

It seems that SCP-XXXX doesn't select affected subjects as we previously thought. Any subjects who are within range seem to be affected regardless of knowledge of the subject's presence by SCP-XXXX.
-Dr. ██████████

Addendum SCP-XXXXd: D-████, male 23 years of age, introduced to SCP-XXXX. After 23 minutes of exposure, SCP-XXXX appears flushed. D-████ starts regressing at a similar rate to previous experiments. D-████ removed from chamber at █ years of age. D-████ displays no memory of events that transpired between ████ and ████. SCP-XXXX appeared to show signs of age consistent with the age lost by D-████.

Further tests have confirmed that the deciding point between aging and regression is ██ years of age. A Level 3 security clearance is required for personnel under ██ years of age to enter the chamber due to the memory loss effects.
-Dr. ██████████

Addendum SCP-XXXXe: D-██████, male 3 years of age, introduced to SCP-XXXX. After 23 minutes of exposure, D-██████ showed no signs of discomfort, though began to regress at the normal rate. SCP-XXXX appeared more irritated than usual during this time, and pleaded with personnel to move D-██████ out of range. Personnel ordered by Dr. ██████████ not to remove D-██████. At [REDACTED] age, D-██████ transformed into [DATA EXPUNGED] and shortly expired. SCP-XXXX then entered a rage state and caused [DATA EXPUNGED].

Request for all surviving personnel of event [DATA EXPUNGED] being offered the choice of a Class-E amnestic and/or reassignment has been approved. Following this procedure, all experiments are to be halted at █ years of age at the minimum. Further tests below this age without O5 approval will result in termination.

Addendum SCP-XXXXf: D-███████, female 3 years of age, introduced to SCP-XXXX. SCP-XXXX entered a state of extreme paranoia and [DATA EXPUNGED].

Further experiments with female personnel are prohibited with anything short of O5 approval.

Request to introduce SCP-133, SCP-483, or personnel affected by SCP-2355 to SCP-XXXX or affected personnel has been denied.