Doctor Vaughn
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Item #: SCP-3XXX

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3XXX is to be kept in a standard high security locked container in Site-19. SCP-3XXX is not to be accessed without approval for testing from Level-3 clearance personnel or higher (see Experiment 3XXX-D).

Description: SCP-3XXX is a standard pair of black dice that show no anomalous properties until both dice are rolled at the same time. Rolling SCP-3XXX will always result in 1 pip showing on both dies in SCP-3XXX. After 120 minutes, the subject will be affected by an event of random chance that is invariably lethal.

Experiment 3XXX-A: Subject was asked to roll a single die from SCP-3XXX. It showed 1 pip, but no other adverse effects on the subject occurred.

Experiment 3XXX-B: Subject was asked to SCP-3XXX. As expected, SCP-3XXX returned both dice showing 1 pip. The lamp in the observation room fell on the subject’s head 120 seconds later. Autopsy showed blunt force trauma as the cause of death.

Experiment 3XXX-C: Subject asked to roll SCP-3XXX in an empty room. After 120 seconds, the roof caved in, killing the subject and Doctor ████. The roof had shown no previous signs of damage or wear.

Experiment 3XXX-D: Subject asked to roll SCP-3XXX in an empty room with no observers. After 120 seconds, [DATA EXPUNGED], resulting in ██ casualties, including the subject.

Addendum 3XXX-D: Increase security on SCP-3XXX. We have enough bad luck as it is. -Dr. ██████