Doctor Warhusk: Patient One, SCP-XXXX
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Item #: SCP-2629

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2629 must be kept in a cell at an underground facility at all times. The cell must be twenty (20) meters high and twenty (20) meters wide to accommodate SCP-2629. The cell must be divided by a brick wall in two sections, one section keeping SCP-2629-1 and the other keeping SCP-2629-2. A bullet-proof window must be placed on this wall. If SCP-2629-1 and SCP-2629-2 cannot see each other, their actions become unpredictable.

Two (2) meter high by one (1) meter wide doors are placed on what is considered to be the front side of the chamber. One door allows entry into the chamber SCP-2629-1 and the other door allows entry into the chamber of SCP-2629-2. The doors are meant to allow only SCP personnel into the chambers keeping SCP-2629. Only SCP personnel are allowed in the chamber to keep SCP-2629 safe and out of the public eye.

Security guards must always be in front of the door. No exceptions will be made if the door is left unattended. If the door is left unattended, the security guard is immediately revoked the position of guarding SCP-2629.

Contact and visitation with SCP-2629-1 is allowed. Provoking SCP-2629-1 will only result in silence from SCP-2629-1. However, violent tendencies towards SCP-2629-1 may result in death.

Requests made by SCP-2629-1 are usually granted. So far, SCP-2629-1 has requested:

  • A Holy Bible, Douay-Rheims Version (granted)
  • The Key of Solomon (granted)
  • The Lesser Key of Solomon (granted)
  • A Catholic rosary (granted)
  • Deceased human bodies (granted under supervision)

Interviews between personnel and SCP-2629-2 are allowed are not allowed. Unless given permission by an administrator, contact with SCP-2629-2 is forbidden. The only exceptions to visitation and contact would be if SCP-2629-2 is acting erratically. Contact is forbidden otherwise. Requests are not granted to SCP-2629-2.

Description: SCP-2629 is comprised of two objects. The first object is a humanoid 15m tall entity who calls itself "God" (SCP-2629-1). The second object is a humanoid 7m tall entity which has been identified as "Lucifer" (SCP-2629-2).

SCP-2629-1 resembles a young, male, nude humanoid entity which stands at approximately 15m tall. The entity is capable of communication and has fully developed vocal cords, it’s first words being “I am God.” SCP-2629-1 appears to have Caucasian skin, blonde hair, and blue eyes. The object looks almost entirely human, except for it being devoid of genitalia. SCP-2629-1 does not appear to have human needs, lacking the need for sustenance, sleep, and defecation.

In terms of contact with SCP-2629-1, the entity is completely passive. No violent behavior has yet been recorded. When verbally provoking SCP-2629-1, the entity becomes mute for a 24 hour period. If SCP-2629-1 is physically attacked, the individual who caused the object harm will spontaneously combust within 60 seconds or less. So far, it is unknown how individuals are able to spontaneously combust (as spontaneous combustion is impossible) but as of now, thorough investigations are in place.

Also, SCP-2629-1 is capable of resurrecting the deceased and knowing of things it would not have been told beforehand. About 6 human test subjects have been resurrected of their own accord. Each subject volunteered to be killed and brought back to life by SCP-2629-1. A seventh test subject participated but failed to be brought back by SCP-2629-1. Additionally, on several occasions SCP-2629-1 spoke of information that was known to the SCP staff

SCP-2629-2 appears to be an older, male, humanoid entity which stands at about 7m tall. SCP-2629-2 is mute but contains vocal cords capable of speech with functioning vocal cords. The entity seems to be tan with black hair and brown eyes with specks of red. SCP-2629-2 appears to look entirely human, with an exception of it being devoid of genitalia. SCP-2629-2 lacks human needs, being able to function without needing sleep, sustenance, and defecation. SCP-2629-2 is almost catatonic is restless and violent.

Unlike SCP-2629-1, the entity is aggressive and despises humanity. In the company of SCP-2629-2, human subjects turn violent towards each other and desire to kill SCP-2629-1. Attempts to hurt SCP-2629-2 from human subjects end up in the subjects being consumed by SCP-2629-2. It is unknown why SCP-2629-2 consumes human subjects, as the entity does not need sustenance to function.


Interviewed: SCP-2629-1
Interviewer: Doctor ████
Foreword: SCP-2629-1 suddenly desired to speak to a doctor at the SCP facility. Doctor ████ was assigned to interview SCP-2629-1.

SCP-2629-1 Hello, Doctor.
Doctor ████: Hello, how are you today?

SCP-2629-1: Good, Doctor, I'd like to talk about my recent failure.
Doctor ████: Are you talking about the man you couldn't save in your latest experiment?
SCP-2629-1: Um, yes. And his name was [REDACTED]. Remember doctor, everything has a name. Even the most wicked creatures.
Doctor ████: Are you referring to SCP-2629-2?
SCP-2629-1: You mean "Lucifer"? Well, not intentionally. I could as well be referring to Adolf Hitler or [REDACTED].
Doctor ████: Who gave you that name?
SCP-2629-1: Why, no one did. I know everything. That's what it says in your notes, correct?
Doctor ████: What are you? I swear to God, I will [EXPLETIVE] tear you apart!
SCP-2629-1: You swear to God? You swear on my name?
Doctor ████: [[EXPLETIVE] you! [EXPLETIVE] you and your "God" [EXPLETIVE]!]

Closing Statement: "SCP-2629-1 has become mute and ignores our tries to make it speak once again. Doctor ████ has been removed from the premises and has been signed to undergo psychological treatment from an SCP psychiatrist."
-Agent Foxx