Revenge, Even in Death
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An example of SCP-XXXX's "Halos"


Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Safe Euclid

Special Containment Procedures:
Due to the immovable nature of SCP-XXXX-2 through -13, the third floor of the hospital containing SCP-XXXX has been re-purposed for the study of patients' dreams while in a comatose state. The room adjacent to SCP-XXXX's housing is reserved as a staging area for subjects preparing to undergo SCP-XXXX-2 through -13's effects, and as a room to monitor the current state of all patients. A guard is to be stationed in both rooms to prevent unauthorized personnel from interacting with Foundation operations.

Undercover personnel are to observe all entrances to the third floor maintaining the guise of regular employees, and are to redirect all persons attempting to gain access to the facilities within. Guards equipped with projectile tranquilizers are to subdue all non-cooperative persons gaining access to the floor, and are to be interrogated before being given class B amnestics and released from custody.

The ██████████ Hospital has been evacuated and quarantined of all non-Foundation personnel under the guise of a severe Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci (VRE) outbreak, and has since been dubbed Site ███. Security personnel have been stationed at every ground entrance, and all underground entrances have been permanently sealed. The ground floor is manned by undercover agents to deter all curious persons, and deliver amnestics as needed to keep the knowledge of operations at Site ███ out of public knowledge. The room housing current patients has been assigned 2 armed guards stationed at each end of the room, armed with Foundation design Flechette rounds filled with [REDACTED]which have proven to be effective in eliminating instances of SCP-XXXX-1.

Following Incident XXXX-1, after the awakening and following metamorphosis of subjects into SCP-XXXX-1 instances, they are to be engaged by security teams, eliminated, and replaced by D-Class individuals to inhibit the memetic effects of SCP-XXXX. For details regarding SCP-XXXX's memetic effects, see Addendum-XXXX-15.

Description: SCP-XXXX is an anomalous electroencephalogram (EEG) machine and a set of 12 "halos" used to monitor brain activity. The EEG machine has a mode not standard to other machines; If researchers attach a "halo" to a patient residing in SCP-XXXX-2 through -13, a video feed into the subjects mind is observable. This allows researchers to directly observe the dreams of the subjects connected to SCP-XXXX, and allows the patients current brain state to be monitored.

SCP-XXXX is housed inside the Long-term Care Ward at the ██████████ Hospital, located in the town of ███████, Indiana. The ward is of normal layout for a standard medical facility, except for a room holding SCP-XXXX-2 through -13. SCP-XXXX-2 through -13 consist of a set of common hospital beds, formerly holding patients believed to be in irreversible comatose states. After numerous rounds of testing involving the dis-assembly of SCP-XXXX and SCP-XXXX-2 through -13, it seems SCP-XXXX has a built-in defense mechanism; When researchers dis-assemble parts vital to SCP-XXXX's operation, a seemingly random number of active patients will undergo the same form of hyper-accelerated metamorphosis detailed in Incident Report-XXXX-1. Details regarding these tests are available in //Research Report-XXXX-1 through -7

When a patient lays in SCP-XXXX 2 through -13 the effects are not readily apparent, but when a patient falls asleep in the bed, they will fall into a comatose state. EEG testing has shown that after a patient enters Stage 3 sleep, the subjects become totally unaware and unresponsive to outside stimulation. However, it has been observed that patients remaining in Stage 2 sleep and still outputting the associated amount of theta waves are able to be roused from their sleep; Though once the patient enters delta wave1 sleep, the amount output steadily climbs, until reaching ██% of the patients overall brain waves.

Addendum-XXXX-3: On ██/██/06 the subject occupying SCP-XXXX-3 experienced a gradual reduction in emitted Delta Waves, eventually ceasing and leading to the subject awakening. Subject began a psychotic fit, and emitting a currently unknown type of brain wave, labeled on the machine as [REDACTED] Subject was strapped to his bed, and was delivered a tranquilizer. Subject seemed to be totally unaffected by the tranquilizer2, and the intensity of the anomalous brain wave increased until the subject metamorphosized into [REDACTED] resulting in the death of █ research staff and █ security personnel. Due to extremely hostile nature of SCP-XXXX-1, SCP-XXXX-3 lay empty for █ weeks, until ██/██/06 See Incident Report XXXX-1

Addendum-XXXX-8: SCP-XXXX-1 is a collective term referring to hostile entities occupying the dreams of subjects under the effects of SCP-XXXX-2 through -13, and subjects having undergone extreme [REDACTED]from the secondary effects of SCP-XXXX detailed in Addendum-XXXX-17. When patients undergo metamorphosis into SCP-XXXX-1 instances, they take the form that had previously occupied their dreams. This was discovered when the video records of the patients' dreams leading up to Incident Report XXXX-1 were reviewed, and researchers found that the subject had been terrorized by a small child, which the subject referred to as [REDACTED]3

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