Dr Bobs Nightmare
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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures:


SCP-XXXX-017 - during interview detailed below

SCP-XXXX are currently housed in humanoid containment cells scattered throughout Site 17. Floors and all walls are constructed of 25mm [~ 1 inch] steel. A drain covered with a steel grate is in the floor. Once a week both the cell and all SCP-XXXX instances are hosed down for purposes of sanitation. All cells have a combination toilet and sink. All cells must be kept clear of anything that can be turned into a dangerous object. This includes bedding, tooth brushes, tooth paste, toilet paper, etc. All instances must be strictly monitored 24 hours a day by security cameras.

Per standard Foundation protocol SCP-XXXX instances are not allowed to have any communication with any other SCP-XXXX instance. This and complaints by other instances about noise from SCP-XXXX instances has required that all cells be thoroughly acoustically deadened and sound proofed. The resulting cells are approximately 5m by 5m. [~ 17 feet by 17 feet]


As of ██/██/████, SCP-XXXX consists of 59 instances that self identify as bouda.1 They can appear human or turn at will into spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta). The degree of transformation varies at will from being bipedal and appearing mostly human to appearing entirely hyena. Males from SCP-XXXX resemble people from the Horn of Africa region and are dimensionally within the human norm. Females average ten to fifteen centimeters taller, weigh 20% more than the males and are far stronger and deeper voiced. Both sexes exhibit extremely pronounced unibrows and facial hair, long body hair, pronounced nasal voices and red eyes. Ages of SCP-XXXX vary from infants to apparent middle age.

Genetic testing shows that SCP-XXXX instances have a mixture of human and hyena DNA. This has been coupled with a yet not fully understood mechanism, allowing SCP-XXXX to alter their form in an example of at will Lamarckism.

SCP-XXXX will kill and eat people if given the opportunity. The observed strength of SCP-XXXX instances at containment appeared to be similar to that of a fully mature bear. At that time all adult instances demonstrated fluency and literacy in Spanish and English. Use of a total of sixteen other languages was observed by individual SCP-XXXX instances. A sample of adults randomly tested at initial containment all scored far above average in standard Foundation tests on artistic and spatial reasoning, creativity and imagination, kinaesthetics, linguistics, logic, mathematics and memory.

The strengths of SCP-XXXX have become tremendous weaknesses in standard Foundation containment. Of the 93 instances captured, 33 died in their first six months of containment. Seven deaths were by suicide and nineteen more have made one or more attempt.

The long term outlook for the remaining SCP-XXXX instances is not encouraging. Standard protocol solitary confinement of intelligent SCP instances that can be dangerous to man has produced the same effects suffered by human beings in solitary confinement only more quickly. All adult SCP-XXXX instances examined have suffered the physical, psychological and intellectual damage equivalent to years of solitary confinement. Instances examined on day 197 of containment showed that their ability to complete the simplest tasks had greatly deteriorated. When asked to think of words beginning with the letter F not one instance could.

The problem is even more pronounced among the adolescent instances. Containment has reproduced Harry Harlow's segregated monkey experiments. The behavior of all instances observed via security cameras has been characterized by compulsive nonnutritional sucking, repetitive stereotyped movements, blank staring, stereotyped repetitive circling in their cells and self-mutilation. Instances observed face to face exhibited a state of emotional shock, characterized by autistic self-clutching and rocking.

In his report to the 05 Council on SCP-XXXX, Dr. Eric Welsch, MD, Chief Psychiatrist of Site 17 stated:

The Foundation is sworn to not terminate contained instances unless it is absolutely necessary but that is exactly what we are doing by following standard protocol with SCP-XXXX. We are watching the actions of the Foundation terminate them an inch at a time. Global Occult Coalition protocol of killing them all at once would have no different an outcome and would be far less cruel.

The alternative is to participating in the genocide of SCP-XXXX is to immediately and vigorously commit to the social recovery of SCP-XXXX.

The time to decide is right now.

Addendum XXXX-A: Containment

Addendum XXXX-B: Initial Six Months Death Logs

Addendum XXXX-C:

Effects of Solitary Containment on SCP-XXXX:

Addendum XXXX-D:

SCP-XXXX Ethics Committee Report:

On ██/██/████, the ethics committee issued their report.