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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be kept in a 35 cm x 35 cm W 15 cm safe inside a secure locker only accessible by a keypad lock. The code to this keypad should only be known by the on-site director and be changed every two months. Any form of ink is to be kept away from SCP-XXXX to prevent its effects.

As of Incident SCP-XXXX-2-B, tests on SCP-XXXX must be approved by the on-site director. Inert instances of SCP-XXXX-2 are to be stored for reference and active instances are to be incinerated immediately.

Description: SCP-XXXX is one ballpoint pen, marked by the [REDACTED] company. SCP-XXXX is black in coloration, comprised of standard polymer commonly used in production and has a blue tinted metallic clip and pen tip. Upon questioning the company on the origins of SCP-XXXX, the company replied that no documentation existed of SCP-XXXX or its' structural design. When paper is placed within 30 cm away from SCP-XXXX, the item seemingly jumps to the left side of the paper relative to the items original position. The means of how SCP-XXXX is able to manage this is unknown.

After 5-12 seconds, a small metallic orb (hereby referred to as SC-XXXX-1) exits the pens' clip. The entity is able to float, through unknown means, approximately 23 cm away from SCP-XXXX, then proceeds to grip the pen in a typical human writing style. After 28-31 seconds of inactivity, SCP-XXXX-1 re-enters SCP-XXXX.

If a country, either past or present, is named, SCP-XXXX-1 begins to write a formal Declaration of War signed by the current President of India directed towards said country, hereby referred to as SCP-XXXX-2. Upon close examination, the font written by SCP-XXXX-1 is similar to Tempus Sans ITC, instead of the governments standard font, Mangal (Unicode). This font error is the only flaw in the document. Wording and signature of the document is 97% accurate, being virtually undetectable by the naked eye.

SCP-XXXX-2 instances have been observed to have the ability of disappearing and appearing on the desks of SCP-XXXX-C's (Country SCP-XXXX-2 is addressing at that point of time) national leader after 32 minutes of existence. Only one instance of SCP-XXXX-2 can exist until SCP-XXXX has been refilled with ink.
